Considering that Korra takes place nearly a century after The Last Airbender, it stands to reason that modern electricity is more easily accessible. In battle with Ozai, she'd be at a disadvantage if Ozai flew. Mako generated lightning in an attempt to destroy the core of Kuvira's enormous mecha suit. Though his Firebending style is based on restraint, he still shows his refined mastery when he combats dozens of Fire Nation tanks in Ba Sing Se. It'll be nearly impossible to fight his way out of her Bloodbending grip. [1], Because of this complexity, a lightning attack usually takes much longer to initiate than standard fire attacks, though skilled benders, like Ozai, have generated lightning much faster than others. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Both lightning and electricity are natural physical occurrences, with the latter having a much lower voltage than the former. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He also displays incredible mastery when he Earthbends just using his face. [14] Despite being held down by Amon's bloodbending, Mako managed to generate a bolt with minimum movement that was powerful enough to fling Amon across the room.[15]. Princess Azula was born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa in 85 AG and was named after her paternal grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender - 5 Anime Villains Aang Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To). [20] Zuko's wounds were still raw and painful by the time of his coronation, even though Katara had healed him shortly after he sustained them. All of this great talent is added to the fact that she can Bloodbend as well. Her sharp wits and the fact that she was a firebending prodigy gained her great attention and acclaim, which quickly made her Ozai's favorite child. He was strong enough to give Aang a run for his money. That means when it’s used in an attack, the damage is a lot less intense. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, firebenders who harnessed lightning were powerful enough to knock people unconscious. The movements involving lightning generation are drawn from a form of Shaolin martial arts known as "Dragon Shoots Its Whiskers". His power is demonstrated when he creates a massive wall of fire, no comet required, to hold back Admiral Zhao's ships. However, the ability to lightning bend proved to be less deadly in Legend of Korra, though we never totally knew why. You provide release and guidance, creating lightning." When Azula shot lightning toward Katara, Zuko blocked the lightning's path in order to protect Katara. [13], Lightning Bolt Zolt used this technique in his duel against Amon, generating a continuous stream of lightning. RELATED: Avatar: 5 One Piece Characters Zuko Can Beat (& 5 He Can't). If she's able to get close enough to land a hit on Ozai, it'll only go downhill for the Fire Lord, paralyzed, and cut off from his Bending. [7] Some time later, Zuko expressed a desire to learn this ability as well, though his emotional turmoil prevented him from properly creating lightning.[1]. Azula is as acrobatic as she is quick. Ty Lee is an expert at blocking chi, an ability effective enough to scare a master Waterbender like Katara. [6], While lightning is generally fired as a single strike, it can also be sustained or shot in a continuous bolt and held until the user stops producing it. But flying can only get him so far if he can't see where he's going. Nicknamed "the Dragon of the West," he's one of the most powerful Benders in the series. King Bumi could just tunnel his way underground and emerge behind Ozai to deal a devastating counter-attack. Fans also see him fighting when he helps re-conquer Ba Sing Se, where he freezes countless Fire Nation soldiers in ice. This will come as a complete shock to Ozai who doesn't even know this power exists. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. It remained an incredibly rare skill, usually reserved for the inner circles of Fire Nation royalty and high-ranking military officers. Despite the destructive capabilities of the attack, the Equalist leader emerged victorious and took away Zolt's bending, reducing the stream of electricity to fire and eventually nothing. A fight between Pakku and Ozai would be nothing short of epic given that fire and water are natural opposites. Azula demonstrated the technique while training under the watchful eye of Lo and Li and later when she was fighting her brother, Prince Zuko. [9], Even if the strike itself was not lethal, the victim still sustains critical wounds: the entry wound where Azula had struck Aang in the back was still raw, to the point where it still bled, and debilitating over a month after he sustained it, and it still had not completely healed by the end of the War. Even as a child, Azula demonstrated her natural talents early in life, along with her tendency for malice and perfectionism. That's not to say Ty Lee won't suffer a few burns of her own. Robert Ugwu studies mechanical engineering at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. In the Season 2 finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Azula strikes Aang with a powerful bolt of lightning. Only a select few firebenders can separate these energies. [14] During his fight with Amon, Mako was able to control the charge of his lightning, firing a bolt strong enough to incapacitate, but otherwise not harm, his opponent, as Amon quickly recovered from the blast. invasion of the United Republic of Nations, The Legend of Korra—The Art of the Animated Series, Book One: Air, The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse, In the Season 2 finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Azula strikes Aang with a powerful bolt of lightning. No one can deny that Toph is a great fighter overall. Zuko was able to best him with this technique as did Aang. Anime Battle: Ichigo Kurosaki VS Rimuru Tempest - Who Wins? If one attempts to conjure lightning without the required emotional discipline, it can instead result in a huge explosion of fire. That said, it’s also possible that Azula was simply a much stronger (and angrier) firebender than Mako. (& Other Questions About The Series Answered), Pokémon: 5 Mistakes Ash Made In The Anime That Still Haunt Him (& 5 Things He's Achieved Since), When Will One Piece End? As strong as Ozai is, he'd be in for a serious fight if he ever challenged this crazy king. Her battles are many. What made this power less destructive in Korra's time? She's been able to chi-block Katara, Sokka, and an elite platoon of Earthbenders. The energy is both yin and yang; positive energy and negative energy. She's able to electrocute Aang while he's in the Avatar state. He uses Firebending to fly and creates large walls of fire to push back his enemies while refraining from damaging nearby buildings. Katara is able to heal him, but it takes him quite some time to be able to tap into his Avatar state again after that. Lightning generation was referred to as "lightning bending" by, Mako has used lightning generation in the finale of each book of. [1], For centuries, the skill of lightning generation was so rare that few even knew that it was possible at all. But in a fight against Azula and her Firebenders, Iroh showed how strong he was when he effortlessly redirected Azula's lightning bolt and kicked her into the river. Iroh generated lightning in front of Zuko, trying to teach him the technique. As mentioned earlier, Ozai doesn't know about Bloodbending and he will be in shock when his body is no longer under his control. A compelling fan theory may explain the mysterious change once and for all. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender-5 Hilarious Quotes From The Series (& 5 That Are Chilling). He's hobbies include gaming and cooking. Ty Lee may be an underdog in this fight, but she does have a shot if given the chance. [11], While leading the Kemurikage kidnappings, a cornered Azula used lightning to attack the Kyoshi Warriors, though Zuko redirected the blast.[12]. However, despite his unique ability, Xu was defeated and killed by Kyoshi when she entered the Avatar State.[4][5]. After the final events of the television series, Azula's mental state was … Her ability to Bloodbend will also prove to be a key factor in the battle. [6] By the end of the Hundred Year War, the only firebenders who had demonstrated the ability to generate lightning were Princess Azula, Iroh, and Fire Lord Ozai. The story of this epic series follows Avatar Aang, a young boy who must battle the Fire Lord, Ozai, for the fate of the world. Later, she also displayed the ability to regulate the voltage of her charge, as she harmlessly zapped Sokka with a lightning bolt as opposed to inflicting lethal damage. [16] Later that year, he used it as a last resort when fighting Ming-Hua in an underground lake, using the water as a conductor and electrocuting her in the process. Using the water as a conductor, Mako electrocuted Ming-Hua with his lightning. He uses this skill once again to break free from his cage and singlehandedly retake his kingdom, tossing around buildings like they were hockey balls. Her sharp wit and the skill she displayed towards Firebending gained her much atten… He doesn't fight Ozai in the series for several reasons like politics, doubting his own abilities, and the problem of the Avatar's destiny. [19] However, the charge of a lightning bolt can vary, and some levels of electricity can be survived, such as when Amon was shot with lightning and survived it. He learned firebending from Iroh and also received a lesson from dragons. [8] However, it is possible to also generate lighting with minimal motion, as demonstrated by Mako, who, even while under Amon's bloodbending grip, managed to shoot the Equalist leader,[15] and by Xu Ping An, whose mastery of the technique was such that he was able to shoot lightning after just inhaling deeply. Judging from Jeong Jeong's ability to show restraint, he'll probably avoid an all-out battle and let Ozai tire himself out before going on the offensive himself much to Jeong Jeong's ultimate advantage. While he was successful in redirecting much of the lightning, his improper stance and hurried execution of the technique resulted in some of the energy remaining in his body, which left him incapacitated and badly injured. [9], Despite Iroh's initial claim that generating lightning requires peace of mind, an emotionally unstable Azula was still able to conjure it during her and Zuko's duel. Fans have seen enough of Ty Lee to know that she's one dangerous, innocent-looking girl. My Hero Academia: 5 One-Punch Man Characters Izuku Can Defeat (& 5 Who'd Crush Him), One Piece: 5 Other Crews Zoro Would Love To Join (& 5 He Would Hate), 10 Romance Anime That Will Make You Cry, According To MyAnimeList, Log Horizon: 10 Things Fans Should Know About Naotsugu, One Piece: 5 Ways Sanji Changed Since He Was Introduced (& 5 Ways He Stayed The Same), One Piece: 10 Things About The Beast Pirates Fans Need To Know, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 5 Stand Users That Could Survive Order 66 (& Who Wouldn't), 10 Questions About Sasuke We Still Want Answered. Reddit user Sidrao suggests ightning bending is far more common in The Legend of Korra due to industrialization. Upon being defeated by Jianzhu, he was imprisoned to be studied by Jianzhu's allies in the Fire Nation so they may learn how he was able to bend lightning. Generating lightning usually involves a circular motion with the arms.

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