The responses on all websites do not necessarily reflect the views of CropLife International member companies. I'm a little frustrated seeing all the negative posts like "GMO Studies show that..." Excuse me, what studies do you refer to?

If you don't want to eat it, DONT. GMOs are one way to make enough nutritious food available with limited land, water, and other resources. Well, GMOs can reduce agriculturally-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

It has not been proven that GMO causes cancer. GMOs DO help with drought tolerance and production rate. Good for having extra produce, bad for human and animal consumption. The people against it are obivously ignornant. The process of genetic engineering that brings about GMO food does seem suspicious. Cecilia Chi-Ham, Director of Science & Technology at PIPRA and Kent Bradford, Director of Seed Biotechnology at UC Davis, also provide insight into how GMOs positively impact society in this response.

Figure 3. Genetically modified foods cost too much. The researchers said that the change has had little or no effect on other insects. There will be panel discussions and workshop sessions designed to create partnerships and profitable business development, helping to find cross-specialism solutions to current sectoral challenges. Source: USGS via Wikipedia. The ten GMO crops commercially available today were created for: Through genetic modification, the Hawaiian papaya industry was able to recover from the devastating papaya ringspot virus that had crippled the industry. According to the researchers: Drought tolerance is a complex trait that involves multiple genes. Statistically, Farmers who use improved seeds and grow biotech crops have seen substantial net economic benefits at the farm level amounting to $14 billion in 2010 and $88.4 billion for the (1996-2017) period. Community Manager. Are Gmos Beneficial For Human Consumption? Another reason GMOs are good is that herbicide tolerant (HT) crops enable more farmers to adopt conservation tillage because they help farmers to more effectively and efficiently control weeds at a lower cost than comparable conventional cropping systems. The first genetically engineered plants to be produced for human consumption were introduced in the mid-1990s. The process has radically improved over the last 12,000 years.

People are worried about the possibility of allergic reactions. To find out how this will be achieved, and whether you can be involved in this, follow the link here and below: Challenge Advisory is bringing together AG 4.0, a unique workshop where organisations will have the ability to network amongst each other for precise and profitable resolutions across the entire industry. GMOs are living organisms that their genetics had been unnaturally modified through scientists and engineers. If you're worried about genetically modified organisms, you aren't alone. According to a book, Genes on the Menu: Facts for Knowledge-Bases Decisions written by author Paul Pechan, the basic facts and introduction of GMOs was described. From 1996 to 2011, GM crops are estimated to have contributed to an additional global production of 195 million tons of maize, 110.2 million tons of soybeans, 15.85 million tons of cotton and 6.55 million tons of canola (Brookes and Barfoot, 2013). Figure 4. It takes roughly 10,000 years to recharge water... [+] taken from the aquifer. We have a variety of other resources available throughout the GMO Answers website and encourage you to explore more. As stated in the Organic Consumers Association, 80 percent of the food consumed in America is processed, and 75 percent of the processed food contains Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) (Carolanne). I live in a house of five and I only shop at the local Farmers Market so that I know what I'm putting on my family's table at dinner. 1407 Words 6 Pages. GMOs are substances which have had their genetic material altered through unnatural processes. Production is key in our future; by 2050 we need to produce more food than we have in the past 100 years combined every year. Farmers choose seeds based on what is best for their farms, market demand and local growing environments. In my region of the Midwest – America’s bread basket – scientists are warning of the rapid depletion of the very slowly recharging Ogallala Aquifer. And people in developing countries faced with famine and malnutrition are likely to benefit from attempts to improve the protein content of food crops, as well as the amount of vitamins and minerals they provide. While these are specific issues related to Monsanto’s evil empire, more generally, I am concerned about farming methods that fine-tune production to a very narrow set of ecological conditions, especially since climate change is very clearly pushing the envelope of historical agricultural conditions. Consider supporting efforts that result in safe products that represent improvements over the original and focusing opposition on those that are less desirable. Farmers choose to use GMOs to reduce the impact of agriculture on their environment and their costs — by applying pesticides in more targeted ways, for example. Farmers select GMOs to reduce yield loss or crop damage from weeds, diseases, and insects, as well as from extreme weather conditions, such as drought.

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