See our privacy policy for more information. The current editor is ex-Spectator editor Alexander Chancellor. The Independent, Subscribe to the Oldie and get a free cartoon book, Margaret Nolan, the Bond Girl covered in gold in Goldfinger, has died at 76. Every quarter we publish The Oldie Review of Books with the main magazine, as well as a foreign travel supplement in January, a UK travel supplement in March, a Christmas Gift Guide in November and a cartoon calendar, Overlooked Britain My elegy for a country church memorial LUCINDA LAMBTON, Getting Dressed - Magician who made East meet West. The idea for the Oldie was cooked up 25 years ago by its founding editor, Richard Ingrams, and his much-lamented successor, the late Alexander Chancellor. Subscribe to the digital edition of The Oldie today, make great savings and download each new issue on your iPhone, iPad or Android device. Please register or sign in for free access to the Oldie website. Please note The Oldie is published 13 times a year meaning, for example, a … Economist's digital charge helps keep Private Eye at bay. The Oldie has been dubbed ‘Private Eye for grown-ups’ and is read by intelligent people who are fed up with the formulaic nature of the celebrity-obsessed national press As well as having a lively reviews section, The Oldie is packed with the very best cartoons The Oldie is published every four weeks and has 92–122 pages. Download The Oldie magazine and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. You will also receive the free optional weekly enewsletter. Contributors include Auberon Waugh Raymond Briggs John Humphreys Duncan Campbell and Winifred Foley. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. "The most original magazine in the country" Alexander Chancellor: 'He had a zest for the good things in life', Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline, Alexander Chancellor, former Spectator and Guardian journalist, dies aged 77, Economist's digital charge helps keep Private Eye at bay, More contributors leave The Oldie in sympathy with Richard Ingrams, Alexander Chancellor to edit The Oldie after walkout by Richard Ingrams, Richard Ingrams: 'I have lots of enemies, some of them enduring', Richard Ingrams resigns as editor of the Oldie over dispute with publisher, Private Eye retains the top spot among news magazines, Private Eye's sales up nearly 10% year on year, Why do some magazines sell well? If you continue, we'll assume you are happy for your web browser to receive all cookies from our website. By, Satirical fortnightly boosted by 50th anniversary and phone-hacking coverage, as The Oldie and The Week also make gains. The Oldie Magazine 13 issues per year Write Review From £2.31 per issue The magazine was first published in 1992 and was created by ex-Private Eye Richard Ingrams. ● The Oldie is published every four weeks and has 92–122 pages. Their aim was to create a free-thinking, funny magazine, a light-hearted alternative to a press obsessed with youth and celebrity. All rights reserved. He talks about his career, his faith and his many days in court, Available for everyone, funded by readers, Endlessly curious writer and editor who gave the Spectator magazine its lively shape and tone, Former magazine editor dies suddenly at his home in Northamptonshire, Fall of 17% in title’s print circulation offset by 295% surge in digital sales, latest ABC figures show, as it retains its place as UK’s top-selling news magazine, Brilliant and acerbic cartoonist whose work appeared in Punch, Private Eye and several national newspapers, Co-founder of satirical magazine considered himself ‘too old’ to attend disciplinary meeting, Satirical title has a print circulation of more than 220,000, ahead of The Economist and The Week. Maybe they don't worry about the web. Moray House 23/31 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 7PA. ● The Oldie has been dubbed ‘Private Eye for grown-ups’ and is read by intelligent people who are fed up with the formulaic nature of the celebrity-obsessed national press ● As well as having a lively reviews section, The Oldie is packed with the very best cartoons ‎The idea for the Oldie was cooked up 25 years ago by its founding editor, Richard Ingrams, and his much-lamented successor, the late Alexander Chancellor. Stuart Jeffries: The former Private Eye editor, who has recently resigned from the Oldie in a cloud of acrimony, is no stranger to a libel suit, or a long-simmering feud. Alexander Chancellor has taken on 'a poisoned chalice', says Ingrams. By. 02649845). ... Richard Ingrams, founder of the Oldie (and Private Eye), is a fantastically creative editor and will be a hard act to follow We use cookies to give you the best possible online experience. Will the new editor woo back the departing contributors? When Roger Moore took off Madeline Smith's dress in Live & Let Die with a magic watch, he couldn't have been more polite, © 2020 Oldie Publications Ltd. (Company No.

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