Alaska also has a signature distribution requirement, which requires that signatures equal to 7 percent of the vote in the last general election must be collected in each of three-fourths of the 40 Alaska House of Representatives districts. John Sturgeon, the chairperson of Defend Alaska Elections, described Ballot Measure 2 as “a 25-page-long mess that isn’t fair, democratic, or needed.”[5]. Like the optical scan, when the polls close, the election board ends the election on the touch screen and then transmit results either via telephone line (for optical scan precincts) or by calling in the results to the regional office (for hand-count precincts). Residents can register to vote by visiting this website. Ballots are available 15 days before the primary, general or statewide special election at any regional elections office. .ballot-measure-endorsements ul { The voting systems used in Alaska are optical scan, touch screen-paper ballots and hand count. Alaska has implemented an online voter registration system. Kevin Meyer (R) and the Alaska Division of Elections (DOE), which oversee state ballot initiatives, argued that the elections-related ballot initiative addressed multiple issues and violated the state’s single-subject rule. In a top-four primary, candidates for an office, regardless of party affiliation, are listed on a single ballot. To read Ballotpedia's methodology for covering ballot measure campaign finance information, click here. } The tabulation process would continue as rounds until there are two candidates remaining, and the candidate with the greatest number of votes would be declared the winner.[1]. Clarkson said, "The single-subject rule serves an important constitutional purpose in the initiative context by protecting voters’ ability to have their voices heard. This act would also require additional disclosures for contributions to independent expenditure groups and relating to the sources of contributions. You may vote absentee in person 15 days before an election at all 40 regional elections' offices and you can vote at the airport absentee voting stations on Election Day from 7:00am to 8:00pm. Largest counties | The system would collapse into itself, and these three pieces are similarly interdependent. The requirements to get an indirectly initiated state statute certified for the 2020 ballot: If the lieutenant governor certifies enough signatures as valid, the Alaska State Legislature can approve the indirect initiative or equivalent legislation, keeping the measure off the ballot. Energy | To see a list of available races, visit the race index. The legal challenge was filed in the Alaska Superior Court. The word count for the ballot title is 23, and the estimated reading time is 6 seconds. The FKGL for the ballot summary is grade level 10.5, and the FRE is 51. Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share is challenging language that Meyer and DOE wrote for the ballot initiative, arguing that some of the wording “was not true and impartial” as required. Touch Screen-Paper ballots: These units used in Alaska have a voter verifiable paper trail that allows the voter to verify the printed version of the ballot prior to casting the ballot. For information on federal campaign contributions, please visit Open Secrets. Former Rep. Jason Grenn (I-22) is chairperson of the campaign. State Senate | Financial regulation | What's on my ballot? What if retail sales were approved, but commercial production was not approved? If you prefer not to rank your choices, you can still vote for your first choice as you do under the current system. It is not uncommon for reports to be filed late for a given campaign finance deadline. Assistant Attorney General Laura Fox, representing the defendants, asked the state Supreme Court to divide the citizen-initiated measure into multiple ballot questions. What election policies would this ballot initiative change? The process is repeated until a candidate wins a majority of votes cast. According to Robin Brena, chairperson of the campaign behind the ballot initiative, three oil production fields—Alpine, Kuparuk, and Prudhoe Bay—meet those criteria. } Local measures | } Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Redistricting, List of Alaska ballot measures | Voting 2020; State appeals to Alaska Supreme Court in ballot witness case. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Division of Elections website. Defend Alaska Elections, along with the Protect Our Elections PAC, had raised $288,305. Meyer appealed the decision to the Alaska Supreme Court. Candidates could choose to have a political party preference listed next to their name or be listed as “undeclared” or “nonpartisan.” The four candidates with the most votes in the primary election would have their names placed on the general election ballot. This will show you everything you'll vote on.) The ballot initiative would tax oil production using an alternative gross minimum tax or an additional production tax, whichever is greater, for each month and each field. [31] At least 28,501 (69.4 percent) of the submitted signatures need to be valid. | } The regional offices then data enter the results into the regional GEMS computer and uploads the results to the GEMS system in the Director's Office via modem connection. In addition to bilingual assistance in many polling places, the division of elections has a TTY communication device for the hearing impaired, magnifying ballot viewers at the polling places and audio recordings of the general election official election pamphlet for the visually impaired, and handicapped accessible polling places. [1], Peanalities for failure to disclose true sources, The ballot initiative would penalize contributors and intermediaries that misreport or fail to report the true sources of contributions. A candidate would need a simple majority of the vote (50%+1) to be declared the winner of an election. }, .arguments-bm-widget { This act would establish ranked-choice voting for the general election. Voters “1” choice would be counted first. A "yes" vote supports making changes to Alaska's election policies, including: * requiring persons and entities that contribute more than $2,000 that were themselves derived from donations, contributions, dues, or gifts to disclose the true sources (as defined in law) of the political contributions; * replacing partisan primaries with open top-four primaries for state executive, state legislative, and congressional offices; and. Ryan Byrne is a staff writer at Ballotpedia. .sbtotaltable th { [1], Adoption of ranked-choice voting: use ranked-choice voting in general elections for state, congressional, and presidential offices, The ballot initiative would adopt ranked-choice voting for the state, congressional, and presidential elections on general election ballots. Both of the Alaska ballot initiatives face lawsuits that could stop them from appearing on the ballot or change their ballot language. (Type in your address, then click "Check My Races." $(this).parent().nextAll('.section_wikicode').first().show(); "[32] On March 9, Lt. Gov. The polling place hours are from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm for Primary, General and Statewide Special Elections and 8:00am to 8:00am for Regional Educational Attendance Area (REAA) elections. Employers must allow enough paid time off to vote for their employees, unless the employer has at least two hours to vote before or after his/her work hours. The process repeats until one candidate receives a majority of votes and is declared the winner. * establishing ranked-choice voting for general elections, including the presidential election, in which voters would rank the candidates. .section_wikicode {display: none;}, Changes to campaign finance laws: creating new disclosure requirements regarding contribution sources, Requirement to disclose the true sources of political contributions, The ballot initiative was designed to require persons and entities that contribute more than $2,000 per year from funds that were themselves derived from donations, contributions, dues, or gifts to disclose the true sources of the political contributions. The ballot initiative would require candidates, regardless of their party affiliation, to run in the same primary election for state executive, state legislative, and congressional offices. Provisional ballots are counted 15 days after the election. window.RLQ.push(function() { This simple adjustment ensures that every winning candidate receives a majority of votes cast and helps put the focus back on the issues that truly matter to voters. Voters would have the option to “rank” candidates in order of choice. One of the measures address campaign finance, one are related to election dates, five address election systems, three addresses redistricting, five addresses suffrage, and three addresses term limits. border: 1px solid black; 2020 | On Your Ballot: See all your 2020 Alaska Races, Court Judges & Ballot Measures: [ click here ]. If you had planned on going to your polling place on Election Day, but become ill or are home-bound, you can vote by having a personal representative bring you a ballot. Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share is leading the campaign in support of a ballot initiative to increase taxes on oil production fields located in Alaska’s North Slope that have a lifetime output of at least 400 million barrels of oil and an output of at least 40,000 barrels per day in the preceding calendar year.

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