
But I’m not just singling out battle movies here — oh no, don’t get me wrong. Besides battle scenes, these movies share another thing in common: they have awesome, awesome, awesome pump up speeches. Ray Lewis has a handful of speeches that will inspire you to do bicycle crunches in your cubicle, but being "pissed off for greatness" is an everlasting moniker that you can put on a tombstone. Over the weekend, I watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy — for the umpteenth time. i can’t find a decent video of it, but she would make a killer closing attorney. Here is my compilation of the best part of the best speeches ever said in sports movies. “Look up, get up and don’t ever give up.”. Dad gives son adorable pump-up speech before every game. Coach Tony D’Amato tells his boys what it means to be on a team in Any Given Sunday.

As the title implies, these clips focus on tirades that will "fire you the hell up."

After viewing this scene, there's a good chance that you'll elbow-drop a coffee table in half and throw your TV out of a third-story window. If you can get through this speech without crying like, 1980 United States Ice Hockey team's improbable win over the Soviet Union is inspiring, b, ut the pregame soliloquy from Coach Brooks is enough to trigger a full-blown application to graduate school, 250 push-ups and a trip to you ex-girlfriend's house to "explain things.". 88's tear-riddled face is powerful. Dilios recounts the story of King Leonidas and the 300 Spartans whose courage and strength held off hundreds of thousands of Persians at the gates of Thermopylae. We're keeping you In The Know on the stories that matter to you. Vin Scully Gives Pump-Up Speech Amid Coronavirus War... We'll Unleash The Tiger!!!

“Who am I? If you can get through this speech without crying like Knowshon Moreno before kickoff, then you're a stronger man than I am. Who am I!? A North Carolina father’s video of his son at his basketball game went viral — and not for the game itself. That’s important to me too.".
I will win. Sometimes in life, we need the rallying cry of a stirring locker room speech. On this team, we fight for that inch.". There's nothing profound or showy about coach Norman Dale's locker room speech to the Hickory High Hoosiers. Here, outnumbered once again, the Greeks prepare to fight, but this time, in the name of Leonidas and the brave 300!

You will see. Valvano—who died of cancer just eight weeks after giving his speech—announces the creation of the Jimmy V Foundation and provides an emotional reminder that life is fleeting. 3.

“You’ve got to find what you love…Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. My feet touch the floor I’m prepared for war Prepared to grow READY FOR MORE. During his induction speech to the Football Hall of Fame, Michael Irvin pays homage to the players that paved the way and gives a little parting advice to those of you at home. Fabulous pump-up speeches can be found in sports movies far and wide — in a sense, I’m covering all my bases here. my favorite one is queen gorgo’s address to the senate. So, without further ado, keep your Kleenex at the ready, and prepare to cry: *These are in no particular order of awesomeness*. “I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale, only last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick. ( Log Out /  “If you ain't pissed off for greatness, then that means you’re OK with being mediocre.”. Can’t beat that. In D2: The Mighty Ducks, Team USA Hockey rallies with a collaborative, passionate tribute to the flying habits of migratory birds. Watch this clip from Any Given Sunday with caution. I am a champion.”. I don't know exactly what happened in this game, but my guess is this team won by 94 points and left a few unfortunate competitors bloodied on the court. “I want you to put each other in your hearts forever because forever is about to happen here in just a few minutes.”. Team USA Hockey rallies with a collaborative, passionate tribute to the flying habits of migratory birds. Time has proven him wise. When you have dramatic timing like Gene Hackman, all you need is a solemn stare to inspire greatness.

Jake Sully rallies the Na’vi’s spirits to prepare them for the battle to defend Pandora from the greedy hands of Men. I gotta say, I haven’t listened to that NPR segment, but I could not agree more on your School of Rock choice. A North Carolina father’s video of his son at his basketball game went viral — and not for the game itself.

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