Once we get to our destination-we look back on the journey to see what was learned. Once you intiate you must go inside to seek what is your GOD purpose!!! Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem throwing money in the pot, even if I can’t necessarioy afford to give up one penny, nevermind the $20 bill I throw out there or whatever. Think about it; you have several Ancestors who love you and are in a position where they can help you solve your personal problems. For example, often in life after experiencing various hardships without an identifiable cause, initiation may be called for in order to reveal to us the taboos or life contracts that we made with spirit prior to birth on this Earth.They could be taboos that we may be unknowingly breaking, and therefore working against the fulfillment . Awo, do not be in a hurry to acquire wealth Thank you for sharing. Awa te o nifa o During Initiation the energy/spirit/Ase of the particular Orisa you are seeking is transmitted to you through your Ori (head/inner spirit). A Year in White: Cultural Newcomers to Lukumi and Santería ... But it sometimes feels like I’m welcomed merely for the financial benefit I might bring. Santeria is an earth religion. However, Orunmila is the person who…. Spirituality cannot be bought or sold – this is a true statement and you won’t find it argued here. This was how Eji Ogbe was initiated This book Letters From Nigeria re-forges a broken link between African's in the Diaspora and their brothers and sisters on the African Continent highlighting aspects of their powerful innate identity and spirituality that resonates ... Δdocument.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pictures don’t lie! Great words and very well put! I honor my ancestors. You should re-initiate yourself But make no mistake, the journey is ours to make and it never ends. Joyous, wise and eminently practical, The Way of the Orisa brings a vibrant ancient tradition to contemporary life. And we can blame it on Greed and Ignorance, a very dangerous pair! INITIATION. If Dominican were a color, it would be the sunset in the sky, blazing red and burning bright. If Dominican were a color, it’d be the roar of the ocean in the deep of the night, With the moon beaming down rays of sheer delight. Ebo materials here are one matured he-goat, two roosters and money. In and of itself, how can we give seniority values to the act of initiation, when it is only an enabling act, giving one a title, and the potential to access the Divine. Comment by Akinwole | For example, often in life after experiencing various hardships without an identifiable cause, initiation may be called for in order to reveal to us the taboos or life contracts that we made with spirit prior to birth on . Yes you can’t see life the same, because you understand the nature of OLODUMARE and life. One does not go to Ifa with hands extended; folded like a bowl, in supplication of good fortune. Starting in Ifá, in any of the Yoruba ceremonies, means committing to a life of study that allows us to have the tools and learn the advice that Ifá and the Orisa give us to improve our luck and overcome any tribulation. Ifa-Initiation | Ifa Foundation Ifa's initiation into Yoruba culture is based on knowledge. For me, I can’t follow a god who wants to be feared and venerated in exchange for personal favors. It is something that must be developed and nurtured on our own. Monday, March 1, 2010 For the most part, these are the type of problems which are the main distractors blocking your spiritual progress. Ifa says that there is the need for this person to go for Ifa initiation as soon as possible. And some of those Ancestors are in a position to help you deal with your personal issues. Lastly, Iwori meji reminds of one of the most important yet one of the least stressed concepts for the Awo Ifa, “Initiate yourself again by using your wisdom and intelligence”, it is here where Ifa tells the Awo that initiation alone does not make you a true Awo. If Dominican Were a Color Seven African Powers: The Orishas Unfortunately, people are being urged to get unnecessary initiations but not to develop their Iwa. Iyanifa : Women of Wisdom - Page 117 Initiation can be performed locally at the Temple. IWAKERI: the Quest for Afrikan Spirituality by Awotunde Yao ... - Page 98 How about if I cut the skin off? Ojise: Messenger of the Yoruba Tradition is a journal of the day-to-day activities and rituals that Karade encountered in his quest for priesthood in the Yoruba religion. Ifa teaches us that there are many reasons for initiation. Nice site, please check mine. To the contrary, one goes to Ifa offering one-self as an offering. We truly stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Baba your flippin amazing! The problem is that there has yet to be synchronicity in regional thought processes and teaching and learning methods. Tite la t’Eji Ogbe Impacting knowledge about ifa and orisha,herbal remedies, a reliable link for initiation into ifa & any orisha in yoruba spirituality CALL 'babalawo obanifa odu irete ogbe october 11th, 2018 - odu irete ogbe alias irete adan 1 ifa foresees ire of wealth for the person for whom this odu is revealed ifa says that there is the need for this person . Orunmila is the Orisa of Ifa divination. What happen when you are a baby you have to learn to crawl then walk. | Reply, You learned because you were initiated I have spoken to many and they don’t get it because they are not initiated … I do understand the bull with the house and the religion itself … You would not be where you are with out initiation … It is a real thing and a preist or preistess can get you there much quicker …Again I say you are right there is a lot of bull with the religion , polotics part of it . Itelodu is…. Part III of Ifa Training If you are looking for a course that will empower you with the knowledge to perform Ifa divination like a seasoned Babalawo, then this is the course you . Awo, ma fi eja igba gun ope ( Log Out /  Ifa's initiation into Yoruba culture is based on knowledge. The path we choose, regardless of spiritual devotion or character development, will at some point cost us money. The path of spirituality is a personal and communal journey. The Yoruba from Prehistory to the Present What is Ífà Initiation? - Ọmọ Oòduà It sounds as though you have been spending money that you should not have been charged. In Part I of initiation in the Ifa/Tradition, we gave some insights to the process using Ifa initiation (Ite'fa) as the example. 4. know who we truly are and know our divine role here on earth. Saturday, May 29, 2010 However the intended outcome remains the same: to have richer fulfillment and contentment of life through greater knowledge of self and the unseen world we live within. | Reply, I was in a awkward place spiritually and have had the exact same experience as you. O’ Tuesday, February 9, 2010 - Comment by Nana Ataa | Two years later he returned to Ode Remo and received initiation into Ogboni, the traditional judicial council of elders. I work with young students and often times I will set them on a path towards learning things that are often based in fundamentals first, but they always want the flash early and I say if I give it to you now you will have the flash but not know how to manage it. When I was initiated, the priestess who I selected to lead and guide me in my spiritual endeavors assured me that my relationship with the world had changed. Somewhere ther is an Iyanifa or Babalawo thats willing to teach without expecting compensation of large quantities. Iwori take a critical look at what affects you This all-new edition is the consummate reference source for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, internists, surgical oncologists, and others who treat cancer patients. Divining the Self: A Study in Yoruba Myth and Human ... " And if you are holding this book, then this sacred medicine is meant for you. In this book, you will meet ancient goddesses and divine feminine energy ancestors, legendary queens, and mystical spirits. This work provides an excellent case study of the sociocultural phenomenon of scripturalizing practices. Although I am neck deep with my faith in the Orisas and with Olodumare, I would have to say that I do not practice Ifa in the traditional sense. The more time I spent with my spiritual elders and the rest of the family the more I realized that we were growing apart. Iwori take a critical look at what affects you It wasn’t a comfortable lesson, bit it was a necessary one. Wednesday, February 10, 2010 I just want to add a comment about your post, brotherpeacemaker. Thursday, July 1, 2010 Some of the various Orisas one may initiate to include the following: [ewf-testimonial name=”Yoruba Proverb” description=”Odu Ifa”]”Now that we have initiated you, go and initiate yourself.”. Its been a year now and I dont know not one Odu verse nor a prayer, with the exception of making Ose, so thats a slight contradiction. Iwori take a critical look at what affects you Akinwole, Comment by Akinwole | Remember that intiation is rebirth. Not critical of you or anyone since none of us make mistakes we just choose the best path for us based on what’s available, so we can never judge each other. Iwori teju mo ohun ti nse ni And it was my personal understanding that elders of any belief system who placed such emphasis on using a promise of enhanced spirituality for their own personal gain are no different than the average con man using snake oil to make a fast buck. It was five years ago I paid the fee to be just a little closer to god on what I believed at the time was the true path to enlightenment. What is your life purpose? Awo, do not lose hope Once you have convened with your Egungun, can you ever look at the world in the same way? It got to the point I really hated going there and putting up with such trifling issues like whether or not somebody wore an authentic African outfit to one of the official ile sanctioned events. Have been for a long time. Ancestors, Ifa, Life, Orisa, Thoughts. No discussion. Awo, ma san bante Awo Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. None of this is to say that we should not respect each other, or that certain priests are not worthy of respect and the rituals/rights that show that. These Orisas will provide you with focus energy which will help you understand yourself, and your challenges. Please understand this. I like you am looking for that spirituality as well and ready to give it my total attention. We are all GOD living in this state called life and when you truely see GOD in all things you change and try to have conpassion for your fellow man. This book offers an ethnography of the beliefs and practices of Vodu, as they relate to daily life in an ethnic Ewe fishing community on the coast of southern Togo. And I’m comfortable with that. Use them. 11. Awo, ma so ireti nu That’s more like making a wish and expecting magic to happen. Awo, ma fi aimowe wo odo That spirituality can not be bought or sold else only the wealthy and rich would walk that road. The author provides detailed instructions for ways to honor the ancestors of a place, address dream visits from the dead, and work with ancestor shrines and altars. Initiation means to begin, marking the first stage of new life working with energies of "orisa's and/or ifa. Awo, do no enter into the river without knowing how to swim Iwori teju mo ohun ti nse ni As of late, quite a few people (mostly people I don’t know very well) have approached me, asking if I am initiated, or when will I go through the process. | Reply. Your words touched me. Ifa Initiation will change your life for the better. Eventually, one day I realized I was wasting my time. Their preformance is sometimes determined along Life-reading, but mostly it is recommended to those people that get really drawned to IFA system and want to deepen their knowledge and raise their selfconfident. First step is always a consult to see what the universe has in store for you. But, initiation alone does not give a priest those rights, they must be earned. B’o o d’ori ope Awo, ma ji kanjukanju jaye Ifa is a beautiful, rich tradition that encompasses so much wisdom, so much history, so much power. | Reply, Well stated kingman, the stronger we trod along our own path the sooner we find the “magic” that we are looking for. Omo-Osun/Ogun “Osunwole” However, there are some that initiation is a must for. Iwori teju mo ohun ti nse ni So, I really wanted to find out what was at the end of the rainbow which I see you decided not to go over and see. Talk to your teacher, he/she will be able to assist you with these challenges. | Reply. It is correct that there is NO ritual or ceromonies that someone else can perform (for a price or no fee at all) on our behalf that will enhance our spiritual ashe and growth. Through the wisdom of Odu, Ifa teaches us: Initiation alone does not give one character. God bless Baba Ifagbolohan, Comment by Rafael | This act shows that even an initiate must go back in to the grove in order to teach himself. Anyting that separete us from what we are is not true. But all too often, we’re given that “shut the hell up and conform” response. Atunwase Awo of Ilobuland. Iwa-pele, is an excellent introduction to Ifa religion. The modern Yoruba accent in this book has gracefully demonstrated Fatunmbi's remarkable talent for expression quintessential African religion, which I agree to. In the past I was so worried about looking to be initiated and then I realized-what’s the rush? Some are to be friends and supporters of Ifa and some are Do not let your hands loose. Found inside – Page 38Such bachelor priests claim that they have no time for family life and therefore , depend upon their trainees for ... Initiation After the master - priest is satisfied with the ability of his trainee on the several aspects of Ifá ... You must arrive at know which. One does not go to Ifa with hands extended; folded like a bowl, in supplication of good fortune. Ive been studying for 5 years now and have yet to get initiated. In Spiritual Citizenship N. Fadeke Castor employs the titular concept to illuminate how Ifá/Orisha practices informed by Yoruba cosmology shape local, national, and transnational belonging in African diasporic communities in Trinidad and ... They could be taboos that we may be unknowingly breaking, and therefore working against the fulfillment of the destiny we chose. At the end be self.. So what makes a priest worthy of respect and the actions associated with that respect? Thursday, May 27, 2010 I only offer that most are so busy trying to know they will never find out. A lot of people are willing to pay a lot of good money for spiritual enlightenment from someone else. We have initiated you into the secrets of Ifa Before anything else, we are told to know ourselves, to honor Ori. Even if it is not Ifa, it will be something else and it will still require that I go after it totally and see it through and never have to look back or wonder. you may contact me at kingofwhitecloth@msn.com, Comment by Akinwole | This is one of the reasons why I have been reluctant to commit to such a path because I know that I would have to give to fully realize my potential. After Life-reading these next steps of IFA rituals follow: Eshu Ifa, Ebori, and Ishefa - basic IFA initiation. A rich and accessible account of Yoruba history, society and culture from the pre-colonial period to the present. You are starting over again. In any case, I truly appreciate you sharing your story and realize that my essay is more about my own apprehensions and fears than any critique of your experience. If you are Light, you will attract Light. What I have learned in these past 5 years is to not rush it and let nature take its course. You in no way indicated that this was not your post. | Reply. I do agree with you that our traditional religions are in a state of ragged flux right now, crossing the waters with lots of misinformation, opportunism, and downright fraudulence. Iwori teju mo ohun ti nse ni But he plunged himself into the forest In ancient times an individual began their career as an Ifa priest the same way they began any other career: By learning as apprentices from those older and expert in their craft. | Reply, Alaafia, Omooforisha, while I am certainly glad someone is reading my blog, and glad it is helping, I am also adimant that when people copy and paste my words, they also cite me as the author, and post the link to the original posting. Initiation in Ifa/Orisa - Part II. Religions that proselytize aggressively are quick to fall out of favor, and sadly, that is what seems to be happening to our beloved Ifa in some places. They will speak directly to your consciousness and inspired you with transcendental knowledge you will be able to use to help you grow. Iwori teju mo ohun ti nse ni Abort above abosise, want to know where is ur lie located, Comment by Erica | Yemoja/Olokun is the name of two Spiritual Forces in the West African religious tradition called "IFA" The word Yemoja is an elision of the Yoruba Oriki (praise name) "Yeye mo oja" which means Mother of Fish. "A vision that encompasses two worlds and weaves the lessons of both into a fine tapestry."?Clarissa Pinkola Éstes. Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Does IFA side have any bad aftermath or repercussions? President & Chief Priest,Ile Aala Orisa Temples. And of course, maybe because I am naturally always placing myself at a cautious distance from people, I have always felt less like a member and more like a tithing unit that is counted on to bring forth my weekly monetary sacrifice, which is always not enough, no matter the amount. All images and materials are copyright protected and are the property of Ile Aala Orisa Temple (Oracle Ifa, LLC) unless otherwise noted and credited. Spirituality is something that comes from its own personal journey. You have receiuved tools necessary for your own journey. It’s only through reflection and contemplation of Ifa that one can achieve an understanding of the initiation one went through, and through analysis and study, self initiation (awareness of the truths of Ifa) can occur. I just want to thank you for the enlightenment that you send to us on our respective paths.

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