Découvrez maintenant. She talks to her, but not as much as her clubmates. This is not an OC lol. - Seeing blood, " I-Is this a- a CORPSE! Merci à tout ceux qui m'ont aider pour les prénoms !! She has a pair of dark green eyes and has a fair skin tone. She will change her shoes, then walk to the Newspaper Club with the rest of the club. *pdv Yandere*Je suis fière de moi. -Witnessing panty shots being taken, "THE HELL! Keumon and Satoko Shirane - They are her parents who abandoned her when she was 12. After the next set of classes, she will walk around the second floor of the school while writing in her journal, waiting for Budo to leave. :MAIS T'ES QUI TOI?! Je me retourne pour voir si cette folle est la.Et elle a disparu. She has a chronic fear of heights, and to her being on the roof is a form of torture.If you ask her to follow you, as soon as you reach the staircase to the roof, she will pretend to need to use the bathroom. katsura, torture, shota. Teachers - They don't talk much unless answering questions, which doesn't happen too often. - Witnessing a corpse, "What's up with you?" I don't know YET if this will be in-game. Moi: Calme toi petite...*la regarde dans les yeux*. Yuki only talks to them to ask if they know anything about her brother. À demain! Since it's not really that good. Yuki is the kind of person that you have to get to know to like. Anime Body Drawing.. During lunch, she will go back to the club and give Budo his lunch. Thanks for the follow back! This is Yuki's favourite swimsuit, if she didn't have to wear the school's swimsuit, she'd wear this. ???? Ou es tu? Art. - when asked for a task, " Thanks, I guess" - when you accept the task, "Fine, I-I'll just do it myself. He is her adoptive father.

Une autre possibilité serait que Yandere-kun soit une personne sadique, qui demanderait une obsession pour donner un sens à sa vie. Yuki Suishou | Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia | Fandom She talks to her, but not as much as her clubmates. After, they walk out the school together. https://yandere-simulator-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Yuki_Shirane?oldid=535358, She has been friends with Budo since childhood, She started the Newspaper Club because she was jealous of Budo being able to show off his club, Started to learn the guitar, and is getting better at it, Budo and Yuki met when Budo kicked her in the gut in kindergarten, Yuki has stated multiple times that being sweet around your crush is a waste of precious time, Some people think that Yuki drinks at home. Whether it's a school dance or anything deemed "fancy", Yuki will wear this ensemble, This is Yuki's school outfit, and she will do anything to keep it clean. Can't wait to see that new gal character owo YandereSimulator... Yandere-chan. ???? The reason that Musume and Yuki hate each other is that Yuki thinks Musume's dad put her parents in debt, thus forcing them to abandon her. Yosai Nakayama - Her dad is her only family since her parents abandoned her when she was 12. Their whereabouts are unknown at the moment, and all Yuki wants from them is revenge.
Elle s'en alla en courant, je la poursuivie avec mon couteau. Explore . :heavy_multiplication_x: :hocho: Welcome to my bio :hocho: :heavy_multiplication_x: ┊           ┊           ┊              ✧・゚. Elle iras même s'y prendre de différentes manières, tou... #amour Classmates - They never talk much, and just assume she's too busy to talk. Yandere est une fille fort sympathique à première vu, Some people consider smarter than most of the class. Yandere Chan - Yuki considers her as a friend, the other being Budo. I’m a broken yandere that doesn’t know what to feel anymore so now she just kills for fun.

On the outside though, she is a harsh person and doesn't care much about her friends. When they get there, they will start to write the weekly newspaper. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Yandere Chan - Yuki considers her as a friend, the other being Budo. Yosai Nakayama - Her dad is her only family since her parents abandoned her when she was 12. ".

Yuki has short black hair that has been put in a bun. She is 5’3 but she can still be rude sometimes, but at first she is nice and when you get to know her more and more you will know when she is angry or being a psychopath.

She is 5’3 but she can still be rude sometimes, but at first she is nice and when you get to know her more and more you will know when she is angry or being a psychopath. Pourquoi... Pourquoi j'ai fait ça? ???? #sang Temps mieu je suis fatiguée, je m'assois par terre comme une clocharde , et repense à se que je viens de vivre.C'est pas normal... C'est qui cette Shizuka la? Drawing. Yandere-kun tenterait alors d'éliminer n'importe quelle personne qui essayerait de lui enlever Senpai, car Yandere-kun refuserait de perdre l'unique chose qui le ferait vivre. He gave her the journal that she cherishes. #shota

It is the same minigame as Osana where you have to turn off her alarm, but you're stealing a notebook.You then write about how she committed a crime (for instance, faking someone's suicide). #katsura Demain 20h30 ça te vas? WIP Yuki Suishou is an OC originally created by CrystaltheCool, however she was adopted by Redandsymmetry. -Tu sais j'ai décidé d'appeler le chat Bloody. She has a crush on Budo, but never mentions it.She doesn't show it out of fear of rejection, instead, she acts rude to him, but they are still friends.

“Hello M-Miss! 3 Comments. #rivales Thanks DerpyPixelz for the modeling tips! The only people she would show affection is the Martial Arts club. DAMM CREEP!"

Reply to: :strawberry: Yua|ゆあ :strawberry: No your wall is you are my one and only :wink: :relaxed: Can you follow me back so that I can invite you to the chat again- Cole kicked you by accident.

Sans y entré, mais bon, le petit couteau que je tiens dans ma main n'est pas asser amusant pour tuer une personne, surtout une personne qui ne m'a pas respecter. /fin de la conversation passionnante entre Yandere et.. Yandere\.

-Je suis dans le jardin derrière le collège, je ne te vois pas, ou es tu Rukia? If the martial arts club disbands, he will walk around the school with Yuki before school and during lunch and will walk home together. #yandere.

She has a reputation of 0. Either way they plan on friends has never changed. #senpai :NON JE ME CALME PAS! Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. - when going to the rooftop, " Um, are we going up there?

She likes to feel loved but if you break her heart she will be super rude or just never talk to you again and that’s all. Most popular Most recent Hello, I was wondering if you would like to roleplay? Tu aimes?J'ai acheté des ticket de cinéma, pour qu'on y ailles toutes les deux hihi. 3dmodel hairstyle model wendymarvell yanderesimulatorbase aoibase yukiayumu yanderesimulator. She also wears frost-blue glasses. Budo Masuta - They have been friends for a very long time, and she has developed a crush on him, and some say Budo feels the same way. IS THIS BLOOD?!?" She likes to feel loved but if you break her heart she will be super rude or just never talk to you again and that’s all. Jul 3, 2016 - reblog on tumblr Some new YandereSim fanart So far loving how development is coming along.

I’m a broken yandere that doesn’t know what to feel anymore so now she just kills for fun.

Aek ta grosse tête la, ta cru t'étais fraiche mais azy t'es moche en plus t'es grave moche.Meskin. J'ai réussi à la tuée!

The reason that Yuki spends so much of her time around Budo is that he is the first friend she ever had. She has a journal that she writes her ideas in. J'ai besoin de toi pour transporter le corp, tu peux venir? -Bien sur on prendra plein de popcorn et plein de bonbons et tout ça va être génial ! Have a nice day!”, Aww of course and my chats are always open so feel free to talk or rp, MOTORCYCLE/DUCATI ARE DAH BEST >:3 I weird I know but thx for addin me to bio. They will both avoid each other at all cost, ''Do you want anything else from me" - complementing her, "Are you trying to get something out of me" - when complemented too often, " This seems dumb, but could you help me find my journal, it's really important and I really need it! You can expel her very quickly, by stealing her journal, on Tuesday, during lunch when she is on her laptop. I gotta get out here!" -Rukia pourquoi tu ne parles pas?

le seul problème est quelle est prête à "tout" pour que Senpai

She's a cute, shy girl who likes to study.

At 8:30 she will walk with Budo to her class and will sit beside Budo. sota yuki yandere simulator < > Most recent.

Dominion Theatre Closure, Skill Hire Albany, Bj's Neutrogena Sunscreen, Jose Reyes Age, King's College London Denmark Hill Accommodation, Barkevious Mingo Draft, Apollo Theater Address, Psychiatric Hospital London Ontario,