ATTENTION MOLES, ROBERT AND CAROL HEFNER DON’T EVEN LIVE IN OKC. MAPS 4EVER will allocate $140-million to metro area parks. David Holt must have been trying to appeal to homeless and teenage vandals voters on that one. 5% screwing everyone–that’s democracy in action. One example are the projects that support and complement Oklahoma City’s criminal justice reform. The diversion hub gives an alternative to low-level offenders and works in tandem with additional investment in mental health and addiction treatment. Vote NO, of course.

Although I do have some issues with this MAPS, I’ll still probably play along and cast a “Yes” vote when I’m voter #11 at my precinct on Tuesday afternoon. I like the Carol Hefner argument. Anyone interested in economic development might assume everyone sees the benefits. Plus, it’s only a penny. Gee, Brian, like I said below, I made a mistake. – There is no data indicating partisan ownership of slaves. So tell us exactly what they lied about and what they erroneously promised? A sales tax (especially one that taxes necessities like food, clothing, and medicine) is the most regressive possible form of taxation–which is, of course, why the republican mayor and republican led state love it so much. 420 Followers, 288 Following, 45 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Love Your OKC - YES MAPS 12/10 (@loveyourokc) In all fairness, this website is known and regarded for its lazy approach. Some quick clarifications on the historical record, because I care about that sort of thing: Both parties then gave way to the Whigs and the Democrats. I’m all for improving our neighborhood parks, but do they really need public bathrooms? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Glad to see an even treatment of the issue. If you voted “Yes,” we offer our congrats. MAPS 4 also offers ways to improve our economy and create jobs.

I’ll feel more sorry for my neighbor, whose Social Security check is something like $940, and so I imagine he’ll pay, oh, easily 50 bucks a month for MAPS4 , which comes to 600 a year, and then over 8 or 10 years or however long it lasts, he’ll fork in around 5000 dollars. The only time it’s okay to take her side on anything is if it involves making imitation Olive Garden salad dressing. So what’s the risk here? But this city needs their Billion dollars to trowel another layer of lipstick on the pig. I will be comfortable in the fact that I loved my city enough to vote in opposition and that I had asked my mayor and city council to come up with better proposals for the future of the city. As an example, it was good to get an NBA team to town. They pump a bunch of money into a flashy “Vote Yes” campaign and then run it as a special election knowing that the only people who will show up are the rubes dazzled by the lies of the flashy campaign and erroneous promises. First of all, only OKC residents could vote, so you need to count the number of registered voters in OKC city limits, not OK County, so your number’s not accurate either. Okay, I made everything up in that paragraph except the cost. Looks like she lives in Edmond. Just 5% of OKC voters have caused us to spend nearly a billion dollars on a slew of un-sexy projects. If you’re lucky enough to survive that long. I was referring to the fact that TLO seems to be angry at everything., I’ve never seen someone so involved in OKC news that lives in Tulsa. Since then, the demographics of our city have changed; there are many new residents who don’t remember our city without the Oklahoma River, Bricktown Canal and a dozen other enhancements and transformations made through MAPS. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The state election board says there are 386,521 registered voters in Oklahoma county. We need to encourage people interested in supporting jobs and economic development to show up to vote on Dec. 10. Is that it? It was removed after objections by New Englander ship merchants, who benefited from the slave trade. Weed is Overtaking the Churches and Mexican Restaurants of Grand Lake! ATTENTION GAILLARDIA SAUCE, ROSE CREEK ISN’T IN EDMOND. Just as I forecasted, a shockingly low number of Oklahoma City residents went to the polls on Tuesday and voted overwhelmingly in support of the $900-million+ MAPS 4EVER. Almost. Gary, easy now. Our City Council does nothing more pander to the loud FBers and drive anything and everything that could be considered progress out of the area. You have a thing for public park bathrooms. By now you’ve probably heard opinions about the estimated $978 million package to fund 16 interconnected projects across the city. Those are from her Islamophobia, racist Facebook postings that we shared a few years ago. – The first 19 or so African slaves to reach the English colonies arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, brought by English privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship.

Create new map. (Looking at you Ward 4 – who have all forgotten they live in a college town or that its no the 1970s anymore). This isn’t the Maps we deserved, but it’s the one that special interests influencers wanted. If you’re looking for 7 Reasons to Vote No, go here. People from other cities help pay for it. Talk about regressive! 2. 5. To feed their family! Norman is like dying from radiation sickness – bits start falling off, things start shutting down slowly, and before you know it, you’ve flat-lined. Not Satire – Kevin Stitt creates “Oklahoma... OKC Streetcar workers unionize in fight for bathroom... Rejoice! They cannot propose a property tax or municipal tax or any other tax because the State Constitution is not written to do so. The 12,000 or so cheap asses who voted against MAPS were naturally down and blue. Hope they pick up all those yard signs; they’re getting in the way of me seeing all the “Jack buys houses” ones. But for the majority of the country’s history prior to the civil war, there was no “Republican Party.” The first two parties were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. Not Satire – Kevin Stitt creates “Oklahoma Pandemic Center for Innovation and... OKC Streetcar workers unionize in fight for bathroom breaks. One of your better posts. It pulled together a coalition of anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats from North and South to win the 1860 election. The Republics rose up as the Whigs fell apart. Robert IV is registered as a Republican. That doesn’t keep Carol from weighing in on the question, does it? Ever ride the OKC Street Car to work, take a jog along the trails of Scissortail Park, or go white water rafting at the River Sports thing on the Oklahoma River? Originally published in The Journal Record. I can afford it for now! What Rockefeller lives like that. Wouldn’t surprise me. Good thing Carol and Bob IV got their Trump income tax cut. Absolutely. Ignore the “turds in the punchbowl” and vote on the tax anyway If the soccer stadium is so important, couldn’t the team toss in some money to build it, as they too will probably get the naming rights that they can make some money? The 93% that didn’t vote fell into the “ehhh….whatever” crowd. MartzMimic it’s just you. MAPS 4 also offers ways to improve our economy and create jobs. The number of residents isn’t relevant. Designed by Bob Barker and Cesar Milan, this futuristic, state-of-the-art palace will be the Ritz-Carlton of all American pounds.

Very approximate but depressing numbers for him. Here’s the stuff about MAPS: It’s not surprising that her retorts to MAPS 4 are tired, ungrounded right wing bullet points. Then they got mad because there was no incentive for a one cent sales tax that means the Republicans started wearing Whigs and then the No-Nothing Party initiated a hostile take-over of the Republican Party and Trump hit the jackpot on Wheel of Fortune and Pat Sajak or Chuck Woolery pried the Presidency out of Charlton Heston’s cold, dead hands and awarded it to him and some model named Melania moved into a white house and became a baron? Tell others how differently you and the rest of the world see our city since the first MAPS passed in 1993. $200 a week? With all the political graft being called pork, and the “pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered” expression, Oklahoma does have one great irony that the Oil Overlord is named Harold Hamm. Oh never mind you peasant, it’s what the mayor wants and it is for your own good, shut up and vote “yes” and we’ll give you an animal shelter and a social program or two. While part of me reels at this comment, I couldn’t help but be offended when I received mail from Carri Hicks urging me to vote yes on the issue. Maybe if this passes David Holt can get that gig with Ackerman McQueen, or the construction company that will build all the wonderful things paid for by the MAPS tax, and the Oklahoma corruption tax can decline a bit. In Oklahoma City, that poor family will have $897.52 over a year taken from them by the state and city just to feed their family. Crazy Carol Hefner is adamantly against it. Slavery was very much alive and well in the states when the country was founded and especially during construction of the White House. I voted YES on the first two Maps projects. Better states don’t collect sales taxes on necessities like groceries, clothing, and medicine. OK, the Democrat-Republicans became the Federalists. 1. I guess she is in fact as stupid as she seems.

Double also, not everyone who lives in Oklahoma County is a Oklahoma City resident. That’s a turnout of 11.5%. Although it may lead to some The Village residents dressing up like tribal gaming lobbyists and dumping tea in Lake Hefner, one really cool thing about MAPS is that a big chunk of the funding comes from out-of-towners. That shit’s expensive! Your point is complete, utter, total, bullshit idiocy. Hmmm….I’m not really a Math Genius that specializes in Math, but help me out here.

Improvements will be based on need and neighborhood feedback. The MAPS 4 Citizens Advisory Board began meeting in summer 2020, and the early stages of organization and planning for MAPS 4 are under way.. Shared with you. Two teenage sons, plus dogs and cats, and we spend about $150 a week on food.

It will show Carol Hefner and her evil friends 3. The transformation of the Innovation District will create a strong innovation infrastructure and entrepreneurial ecosystem. The history of the United States is that of slavery (or the repercussions from slavery).

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