App World of Winx Selfie Me; App World of Winx Dress Up; App Read & Play; App Winx Club: Rocks the World! ... She is the peace keeper of the group , she also has the power understand and hear what nature says . She is extremely opinionated and open minded. Welcome to Aisha's list of spells! Princess Aisha is the princess of Andros and the Guardian Fairy. Here we go to fly! This page lists the spells used by Aisha in the series! This first list will describe who has the most strongest MAGICAL power between the fairies of the Winx Club. She is 17 years old when she is first comes to Alfea and her birthday is June 15. App Winx Sirenix Magic Oceans; App Winx Sirenix Power; App Winx Fairy School; App Winx … She is as intuitive like Stella, and when asked to, gives practical and pragmatic advice. She is as intuitive as Stella and when asked to, gives practical and pragmatic advice. Stella called Aisha out on it when she came home: Interview the Winx: Aisha’s answers . She is also a talented dancer and speaks many languages. After Flora, Musa and ... we Winx can defeat our enemies, each one with her own power! Which winx club character suits you best? Princess Aisha (known, originally, as Layla in some dubs) is a character from the Winx Club animated series. A very simple tip: After washing and drying your hair, tight it up in a chignon with a hair tie and keep on drying it with the hairdryer! Aisha is extremely opinionated and open minded. In order, describe the strongest to weakest fairies in the Winx Club. She is 17 years old when she is first comes to Alfea and her birthday is June 15. ... ( or aisha in some versions )the fairy of waves . Winx Club WOW! Aquakinesis power over a pinkish liquid called "Morfix" Power of the ocean and sea Create strong waves, whirlpools or even tsunamis Create weapons out of water or morfix Hydromancy Dreamix Vision She even missed Tecna’s presentation about their mission in that episode. She studies at Alfea and is one of the Winx Club. She is as intuitive as Stella and when asked to, gives practical and pragmatic advice. In “Winx Club Forever!” (Winx season 4, episode 11), we learned she had been leaving a lot to go on dates. Let's start! Like her , you are very kind and you hate pollution . Can you give us an advice to have curly hair? She is also a talented dancer and speaks many languages. Aisha is 17 years old at the beginning of Season 2. Are you Bloom , Musa , Flora , tecna , Layla or Stella ? Hello, fairies! Second, Aisha neglected her friends to be with Nabu. She is also a talented dancer, athlete and speaks many different languages. Aisha is extremely opinionated and open minded. Crew Powers and Abilities: Water Magic. This is my orders with my opinions, the logic, the facts, and the reasoning. Princess Aisha (Princess Layla in some versions) is the princess of Andros, Fairy of Waves and a member of the Winx Club.

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