But Edla closed the door and insisted on him to stay for Christmas. This awakened the latent goodness of his heart and he also behaved in a dignified manner and signed himself as Captain von Stable. Moreover, the tramp himself committed the same error by stealing the crofter’s money is so ironical. Answer: Edla was happy to see the gift left by the peddler because it was symbolic of the positive change in the peddler. फेरीवाले द्वारा छोड़े गये उपहार को देखकरे ऐडला खुश क्यों थी? That is why he was amused by the idea that the whole world around him was nothing but a big rat trap. As soon as a human being gets tempted to touch the bait, it closes on him. He had left the stolen thirty kronor in the rattrap along with a letter. While thinking about the rattrap, he suddenly got the idea of the world being a rattrap. The peddler was accepted and welcomed to the house as Captain von Stahle. Ans.No, the peddler did not live up to the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. His theory of rattrap itself is an excellent example of humour in the story. She showed extraordinary kindness to him. font-size: 14px; It was ironmaster’s daughter Edla’s kindness and empathy that changed the peddler. Accepting the invitation would be like throwing oneself voluntarily into a lion’s den. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? The peddler was did not prove himself to be a thief and had not taken anything with him at all. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home? As soon as a human being gets tempted to touch the bait, it closes on him. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the ironmaster and his daughter? 6. Edla was happy to see the gift at the thought that the peddler had repented over his misdeed. }, No software required, no contract to sign. Thus, the metaphor of rattrap very applies highlighted the fact that if you take something you want wrongfully, you will usually get trapped in life by your own consequences. But here Edla plays a significant role. The protagonist of the story, i.e. The pitiable state in which he was living evokes the sympathy of the reader. Accepting the invitation would be like throwing oneself voluntarily into a lion’s den. Edla was happy to know he had realised his mistake and made amends. The valet tells about a package has been left by the peddler while leaving the house. She entertained him even though she knew who he was. of Chartered Certified Accountants, What is the difference between book depreciation and tax depreciation, What does the direct labor efficiency variance tell us, Examples of Payroll Journal Entries For Wages, Assoc. ‘The Rattrap’ deals with human emotions. It refers to the theory that life is one big attract. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler 2 Why did the peddler from ACCOUNTING F7 at Assoc. The very title of the story is metaphorical. It offers riches and joys, luxuries and comforts, food and shelter, heat and clothing exactly as a rattrap offers cheese and pork. But on the contrary, Edla’s kindness and hospitality stirred up the essential goodness in him because her kindness was without any selfish motive in it like the crofter who wanted a company and the ironmaster who wanted to help his old friend. These emotions, at times, emote unexpected behaviour. But it is Edla’s extreme kindness and generosity which enabled him to come out of quiet this trap of his and he left the house as a freeman, after confessing his wrong deed and leaving the stolen money. He had left the stolen thirty kronor in the rattrap along with a letter. In addition to this he was a man of social, sympathetic and sober nature. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? The moment anyone lets himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closes on him and then everything comes to an end. Ans. When the peddler asked him for shelter in the night, he welcomed him and gave him food, tobacco and company. For self-temptation people like the peddler don't want to undeceive others about themselves. The peddler lived a dull and monotonous life. Ans. She felt happy because her trust in him had been justified. } font-size: 14px; The peddler left for Edla a rattrap and the money he had stolen. The peddler had the view that the owner might give him some Kroner. Ans. Yes, now he was truly clean and well dressed. The ironmaster mistook the peddler to be his old acquaintance Nils Olof who was a captain and had resigned from the regiment long back. She felt that the peddler was not a thief. She moved the peddler so much that he left a Christmas gift with a letter to send thirty Kroner for the Crofter. The story deals with the metaphor of ‘Rattrap’. The ironmaster thought that the man was going through a bad phase in his life and so invited him home, especially as it was Christmas Eve. 16. Edla was a kind lady. Edla was happy to see the gift left by the peddler. 23. Thus, he had expected the same, but, to his surprise, the crofter treated him very kindly and gave him food and shelter. The stranger made no attempt to dissimulate. He was at this moment caught into the trap of his own guilt. She had fought with her father to let the Peddler stay. medianet_versionId="3111299". © His theory of rattrap itself is an excellent example of humour in the story. He finally realised that he was walking round and round the same spot. 22. The peddler had never been treated well by the world. When the peddler was given a bath, a haircut and had a shave, the ironmaster realised that the tramp did not look like his regimental comrade. Question 17. } He returned after some time, opened the window of the cottage and stole the crofter’s hard-earned money. The peddler in the story was a victim of such an economic change. 4. Edla was happy to know that love and respect given to the peddler by her had made him realise his mistake and make amends. Once an organ donor's family gives its consent and the organs are matched to a recipient, medical professionals are faced with the onerous challenge of transporting organs while ensuring that the harvested organ reaches its destination in the shortest possible time. He had no family, no money and no relatives. Ans.No, the peddler did not expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter. 1.From where did the peddler get the idea of the world is a rat trap? of Chartered Certified Accountants • TAX F6. Ans. The story has a clear and excellent progression of the theme. She entertained him even though she knew who he was. Edla gave the peddler a kind treatment and in spite of knowing the reality, she treated him like a captain. फेरीवाले ने एडला के लिए एक चूहेदानी और अपना चुराया हुआ धन छोड़ दिया। उसने एडला से निवेदन किया था कि वह उस धन को उसके मालिक को लौटा दे। एडला उस उपहार को देखकर इस विचार से खुश थी कि फेरीवाले को अपने बुरे कर्म का पश्चाताप था।. of Chartered Certified Accountants • ACCOUNTING F7, OpenTuition ACCA Paper F4Eng December 2013, Assoc. No, the peddler did not expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? The crofter was a lonely man.

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