The travellers accidentally find themselves landing on the moon and are soon caught up in. Sarah tries to stop them but is thrown to the floor. However, Kellman has taken the transmat's pentalium drive.

The Doctor uses a control box he found in Kellman's room to activate a cybermat, threatening Kellman with it until he reveals that the drive is around his neck.

The Doctor reaches Nerva and frees Sarah while the Cybermen are loading the bombs.

Harry tells Sarah to get back to Nerva and warn the Doctor while he tries to stop the rocket from being fired. Vorus wants the Sky Striker fitted with its bomb head in four hours.

A novelisation of this serial, written by Terrance Dicks, was published by Target Books in May 1976.

Doctor Who and the Cybermen is another enjoyable addition to the original range of Target Doctor Who books, although the one I read was the 2011 reprint. Vogans who were stationed on the stairs open fire on the Cybermen but their weapons are useless and they are all killed by the Cybermens lasers. However, as they descend, the heavier concentration of gold interferes with the radar. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Gerry Davis – Doctor Who Interview Archive", "BBC – Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide – Revenge of the Cybermen – Details", "BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - the Leisure Hive - Details", "DVD REVIEW Doctor Who: Revenge Of The Cybermen/Silver Nemesis",, Doctor Who serials novelised by Terrance Dicks, Articles lacking in-text citations from February 2010, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from February 2010, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from February 2010, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from May 2011, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012, Pages using citations with format and no URL, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 August 2020, at 12:42. I hadn't been into Doctor Who just until last year when I binge watched the whole new series beginning with the ninth Doctor. Here’s some gold dust!! Wells and Jules Verne, which led me to Robert Louis Stevenson and Edgar Allan Poe, and then to Tolstoy, Homer, Voltaire, Kafka. Welcome back. Directed by Graeme Harper. The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria arrive on Telos, where an archaeological group are exploring the Tomb of the Cybermen. The Second Doctor's first battle against the Cybermen. The Doctor finds a way to get them inside the complex and the group splits up to explore what they've found. Most notably, Ashad lacked an emotional inhibitor. On Voga, Vorus observes a giant rocket, the Sky Striker. The Doctor has another suspicion; investigating Kellman's quarters, he finds the communications device as well as some gold. (TV: The Timeless Children). Sarah uses a motor boat and transmats back to Nerva, where she overhears the Cybermen monitoring the three men's progress.

(TV: Ascension of the Cybermen, The Timeless Children). We’d love your help.

I highly recommend this short book for any Who fans wanting to revisit their childhood love of the Doctor or indeed any parents wishing to read a magical book to their children. Militia arrive and start to fire on the Cybermen. Refresh and try again. The door behind them slides open to reveal the communications room, and Kellman brings Stevenson to Warner's fallen form. Best novelisation of an episode I've come across so far.

The Cybermen themselves are marvelous villains although I am in the minority who feel their voices during this period are inferior to the earlier 'sing song' voices used in The Tenth Planet. Whenever the Cybermen arrive in Doctor Who, the emotionless metallic hordes bring with them only the dread tension of despair.

But for once, it’s not just the Cybermen’s foes that are hoping. The only real flaw in the production is the American characters Captain Hopper and Jim Callum which are cheesily written and woodenly performed.

I think Polly also isn't ser.

In the Matrix chamber, Ashad met with the Master, though he was alarmed to see the Doctor in a paralysis field. None of the three men believe that the Cyber Leader will keep his word about letting them escape, but they have to keep moving towards the target zone as they are being monitored. Fast moving, well written plot with less chasing around and a bit more 'science' than some of the others. In his last moments, Ko Sharmus detonated the bomb, obliterating Ashad's remains and detonating the death particle which wiped out all organic life on Gallifrey, the Master and his army presumably included. entertaining but ultimately disposable fun. The Cybermen come through, impervious to gunfire, and shoot all three men down.

The Doctor wonders what Kellman's reward is, if it is not Voga's gold. There was a lot of brilliant writing here and the plot and characters were enthralling. Directed by Jamie Magnus Stone.

Anneke wills does do a good job of giving each main character their own voices but i felt that i had probably been spoilt somewhat with Jonathan Cecil's wonderful delivery on the Jeeves audiobooks that it meant that this just didn't have the same life and vim.

It is a truly great 4 part story with only a few small imperfections. It's an alright book and enjoyed the feeling of reading an episode.

Use the HTML below. In the far future, the Doctor and her friends face a brutal battle across the farthest reaches of space to protect the last of the human race against the deadly Cybermen. While the humans just want to escape across the mythical boundary to freedom (well, we’ll see about that, I guess), Ashad just wants to see his own people thrive again, to survive…and eventually rule.

We don’t know yet. Others rise anew. A decent novelization of an old episode of Doctor Who! It was a nice difference. The Doctor, Lester and Stevenson run away as the two Cybermen kill two out of three Vogans, the other running away. The two Cybermen climb under a rock and enter a chamber with a staircase going up the side. They showed up on the moon base in 2060 and had to fight off Cybermen. The Doctor and his traveling companions, Jamie and Victoria, arrive on a planet where an archaeological expedition led by Professor Parry is searching for the home of the long-extinct Cybermen. The downside: the plot is very thin and, as often happens when the focus is on "action" instead of thoughtful or clever moments; pretty illogical, [The Cybermen profess to want to destroy Earth because humans may, at some point, again be a. Somewhere else, an alien tries to contact Nerva, and barely gets through to Warner before he is shot by two more of his own kind. Although I read the Target Doctor Who novelisations voraciously as a youngster, I never found this one in the local library. Upon receiving the Cyberium, Ashad sought to create a purely mechanised universe first by removing the organic components from the Cyber-Warriors before planning to unleash the death particle and eradicate all organic life from the universe. Because of this, Tyrum no longer trusts Vorus or the Guardians, and will send his Militia to take over the mines. This was the very first novel I ever read, when I was 8 years old, and it turned me into a dedicated reader for life.

Whether or not next week’s climactic follow-up will deliver on just how fascinating and chilling this concept is remains to be seen. A Vogan costume was later reused for the Blake's 7 episode "Warlord", still sporting the "Seal of Rassilon".

)Cybermen also exhibited exposed circuitry and tubing covering a rubbery or mylar-like outer skin.

Tyrum tells Vorus that he knows that aliens have come to Voga.

Accepting, Ashad took his ship to Gallifrey through the Boundary, though he left behind death squads to kill the humans still on the planet's surface. In the far future, the Doctor and her friends face a brutal battle across the farthest reaches of space to protect the last of the human race against the deadly Cybermen. (TV: The Haunting of Villa Diodati), Ashad commandeers an abandoned Cybercarrier. I also found it quite difficult to picture what was going on with the gravitron in the last chapter.

After returning to his own time, Ashad travelled to a refugee planet in a cyberfighter along with two Cyberguards. And yet, that’s what this episode does constantly, making an alluring mirror to the trajectory of the humans we meet here too. Stevenson will continue on and create a radar trail, while the rest use the cross shaft to surprise and attack the Cybermen with gold.

The Doctor and Jamie are really entertaining throughout the story (although you as always have to suspend disbelief a bit with Jamie at times as he copes with time travel and science slightly too well for his supposedly simple Scottish Highlander character from the past). This necessitated entirely new outfits, which included chest panels constructed from the innards of old television sets and trousers which, for the first time since The Moonbase, were not tucked into the Cyber-boots. That's when she wasn't having men stare at her climbing a ladder in a mini skirt. ), this was hella fun! Lies are exposed, truths are revealed, battles are fought, and for the Doctor …

He wielded a functional Cyber wrist blaster, though its energy could be drained by time hopping. But I didn't expect to walk out with two and six!"[4].

It’s a smart update of the “Nightmare in Silver” style we’ve had recently, but with elements that feel right out of older iterations—the larger earmuffs are obviously very ‘70s/‘80s era Cyberman, but the subtle lining down their arms feels like a good throwback to even earlier designs. On Nerva, the Cyber Leader declares that Kellman is of no further use to them.

"[9] In 2010, Patrick Mulkern of Radio Times gave Revenge of the Cybermen one star out of five, calling the gold revelation "a ridiculous development" and said that the Cybermen returned with "an overall lapse of scripting, performance, design and direction". The boat disappeared and was never seen again.

With Sarah tied up, the Cyber Leader now plans to send Nerva, loaded with more Cyberbombs, to crash into Voga to destroy it.

(TV: The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Ascension of the Cybermen). We'll just destroy the base and this gravitron and let the huge mega-storms destroy humanity and wipe up the dregs that remain" the Cybermen try to push forward some extremely strange plot involving poisoning the sugar to seed "agents" on the inside and, by the end, cajoling the men to let them in the front door before they count to 10 or they'll blow the place up!

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