@i_like_swords: Well the big game changer by Achilles and his Myrmidons joining the fight was more of the big Moral boost to the entire 50,000 greek army by Achilles fighting beside them. Achilles and his 50 men stormed the beach of Troy, with added casualties for his team. was part of the first Persian invasion of Greece. This is a brawl, No phalanx formation or group up, Can however gang up on him; Spartans starts out spread; Round 1: 50 Spartans, Achilles has 25 of his Myrmidons If the phalanx broke or if the enemy attacked from the side or the rear, however, the formation became vulnerable. In September 480 B.C., however, the Athenian navy defeated the Persians at the Battle of Salamis, after which the Persians returned home. Under Xerxes I, the Persian army moved south through Greece on the eastern coast, accompanied by the Persian navy moving parallel to the shore. until his death at the Battle of Thermopylae against the Persian army in 480 B.C. The only real way you can defeat a phalanx is by flanking it or having a huge numbers advantage. Achilles had a crescent, Spartans were a full circle hoplon. So I think Leo can take him out. Why would the world favor a story about 300 defeated pagans instead of 300 who succeeded by the hand of God? For two days, the Greeks withstood the determined attacks of their far more numerous enemy. By turns charismatic and ruthless, brilliant and power hungry, diplomatic and ...read more, The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) Centuries before Thermopylae, the 300 Israelites, led by Gideon, went up against an army of Midianites so large you couldn’t count their camels! Leonidas’ sacrifice, along with that of his Spartan hoplites, did not prevent the Persians from moving down the Greek coast into Boeotia. WWUTT: New York Passes Bill Expanding Abortion? Now if i remember correctly there was atleas 2 lines of archer units, one high uphill and one down at the beach, so the spartans would get shot from two multiple angles while dealing with the waves of infantry that'll be charging them. Their forging techniques will be better. They had won before the other Greeks even landed. Lol. You’ve heard of the 300 Spartans, right? Even the shileds they used were different too. And you are right in saying Achilles is the main game changer, considering it's mentioned all throughout the film. The narrowness of the pass … Whenever they weren't there the Greeks suddenly stopped doing so well, yet when they were there the Trojans were forced back. But nothing really gives Achilles an actually edge over the Spartans. And Zebah and Zalmunna fled, and he pursued them and he captured the two kings of Midian, and Gideon threw all the army into a panic. Achilles ftw, but only after a hard, drawn out battle....and then he dies at the end due to a bunch of arrows. instigated the initial such attempt as part of the First Persian War, but a combined Greek force turned back the Persian army at the Battle of Marathon. That same night the Lord said to him, “Arise, go down against the camp, for I’ve given it into your hand…” And the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the people of the East lay along the valley like locusts in abundance, and their camels were without number, as the sand that is on the seashore in abundance. Not a big deal though.. right? Achilles was focused on by 10-20 men at once and was dancing around them while charging uphill. There, they set their camp ablaze and killed even more of their men. Achilles overestimation is still going strong on this site I see. We need the best soldiers for the best army". In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek Him; all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” (Psalm 10:3-4). With Richard Egan, Ralph Richardson, Diane Baker, Barry Coe. During a frontal attack, this wall of shields provided significant protection to the warriors behind it. According to historians, Leonidas is deliberated as one of the renowned potentates of Sparta, who led You see Achilles and 50 men take the beach by themselves. Three hundred of his fellow Spartans stayed with him to fight and die. WWUTT: Do I Need to Repent to be Saved? I'm calling a slight win for the Spartans on the first two rounds while Achilles + Hector and the rest of the men take the third comfortably. Leonidas’ plan worked well at first, but he did not know that there was a route over the mountains to the west of Thermopylae that would allow the enemy to bypass his fortified position along the coast. All Rights Reserved. The 300 Spartans, made in 1961, has an overstated cold war subtext--there's much talk of freedom vs. slavery--and there are a few too many shots of armored men marching through the Greek countryside, but the historical conflict has a fundamentally stirring quality. Vs. Forty years after the battle, Sparta retrieved Leonidas’ remains (or what were believed to be his remains) and a shrine was built in his honor. But yeah not taking away anything from the Spartans they're real badass, but Astino was fighting alongside that other spartan, the persians weren't exactly all together focusing on him alone and he had some cuts after fight. The Spartans are going to have an advantage in equipment. Historically the Spartans smashed the Persians before they were finally overwhelmed. Well taking out 1000+ men that are attacking you in a small choke point with only 300 men is pretty damn impressive, But taking out 200+ defending men that are uphill with bows and infantry with only 50 men is more impressive, @dewin50: I said > before I edited it but do you think that the War loving spartans would lose in the same situation as troy. @i_like_swords: Nice analogy. The Lord said to Gideon, “Every one who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself. Achilles and friends win the bonus round with heavy casualties. And Gideon went up by the way of the tent dwellers east of Nobah and Jobgehah and attacked the army, for the army felt scure. Because they hate God. Much of the Greek force retreated rather than face the Persian army. without having produced a male heir. (Judges 7:8-9, 12). Like all male Spartan citizens, Leonidas had been trained mentally and physically since childhood in preparation to become a hoplite warrior. Twice at the beginning of the fifth century B.C., Persia attempted such an invasion. With 300, the Spartans were CLEARLY a lot better trained and conditioned when compared to enemies they fought in the Persian army. All their thoughts are: There is no God. Time and time again the myrmidon save the day. The Peloponnesian War marked a significant power shift in ancient Greece, favoring Sparta, and also ushered in a period of regional decline that signaled the ...read more, The term “classical Greece” refers to the period between the Persian Wars at the beginning of the fifth century B.C. A local Greek told Xerxes about this other route and led the Persian army across it, enabling them to surround the Greeks. And when they withdrew from battle the Greeks began losing to the Trojans. Since the 19th-century ...read more, Herodotus was a Greek writer and geographer credited with being the first historian. In 490 B.C. Gideon’s 300 defeated 120,000 Midianites and did not lose a single man. I forgot if the movie gave a date or not, but the Illiad poem takes place hundreds of years before Thermopylae. As he says, they've fought in countless battles and bled for him numerous times. This was a strategic move on the part of the Greeks. I think Achilles and his men take every round. Achilles loses Rounds 1-3 bravely but handily. I say he rips through ten of them before he gets dropped by a spear from an undefendable angle. I do feel like i should add more Myrmidons since the spartans outnumber them 6 to 1 and i would argue that a Myrmidon > Spartan, however Achilles would not get focused in a scenario with men behind his back witch would allow him to slowly but steadily take most of them out.

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