Hemingway wrote of fishing and camping trips taken in the Spanish countryside, he commented on the inordinate level of pride his guides and other locals always took in holding a wineskin the furthest possible distance from their mouth, squirting the longest possible time, and finishing off without spilling a drop. February 17, 2020 June 26, 2019 by Tony Florida. The reason for pouring from such extreme distance is to develop air bubbles thus temporarily carbonating the cider. …. To actually pour Spanish cider involves a two handed technique. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. If you get the chance, visit an apple farm and cider producer. I spent a month in Spain, but I never made it to Asturia. Normally the cider has to hit the edge of the glass to oxegenate it, so we have to put it a certain distance and try to hit the end of the glass the furthest away possible and normally it is sufficient with a little and after we return to serve it. Here's a range of ciders and traditional Asturian snacks that you can buy online and deliver to the UK or USA. Si venís a España, probad la sidra, es un producto estupendo ¡Salud! As always, as ever, I keep the right to write what I like. It's verter or decantar as the verb. Sticky cider on the floor, scented cider in wooden barrels and cider, stunt cider, falling from tipped green bottles to fall straight into an outstretched glass. buy an Asturian cider pouring machine like this one here. To make the cider, apples are harvested in September and October, during the autumn season, an… It's flat, cloudy and produced without yeast from the annual plentiful apple harvest. Inside the sidrerias, it doesn't so much linger as call up every one of its friends and invite them to a party. This is why drinkers consume the Sidra so quickly. Copyright Happy Hour Spanish All Rights Reserved © 2014-2020, Lyrics “Hijo de la Luna” by Mecano: HHS Music Video, Spain vs Portugal Euro Cup Semi-final Match: HHS Spanish Podcast, Learn About Spain, Spanish Culture, Spanish Podcasts, Spanish Practice, Restaurant Spanish: The Only Phrases You Need to Know, Essential Spanish cooking vocabulary: Spanish tortilla recipe, Making Spanish Tortilla with Carlos (video), Despacito Spanish Lyrics and English translation for Learning Spanish, Watch Out for These 10 False Friends in Spanish, The Ultimate Spanish Guide for Going to the Doctor. One of the things that draws me to culinary culture is the unique foods and customs that truly define local cuisine. The cider comes from the apple, it is fermented apple and must be put it in the glass in a way very special that I am going to show you all …, Normally the cider has to hit the edge of the glass to oxegenate it, so we have to put it a certain distance and try to hit the end of the glass the furthest away possible and normally it is sufficient with a little and after we return to serve it. I will be sure to pour near the sink. The traditional pouring technique for sidra is to hold the bottle at head height, and the glass at the waist. Change ). Buy tins of the hearty fabada bean stew to heat and drink with your Asturian cider here. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I could never serve, but watching is good. Travel around the rest of Spain through her recipes. bottles of dry Trabanco Spanish cider in 700ml bottles here. They've also discovered that it's even more fun to watch hapless foreigners have a go. As with most of the rest of Spain, it's unusual to find people drinking without food (although the drinking hours do start early.) Well, besides looking pretty cool,  pouring in this manner serves a purpose. If I ever find myself in Spain, I will certainly find a place where traditional Sidra is poured. Cider is sidra in Spanish, pronounced a little like SEEdra. Aspiring yogini and (mid) distance runner adventuring in the world of health and fitness. Maybe it’s time. There are recipes out there bit I am going to leave that to the pros. Slightly salty, soft yet crisp – Mmmm! Simultaneously lift the bottle up, the glass down, in a manner reminiscent of a pseudo-Scottish jig at a late night wedding party. . Po boys in New Orleans, blue crab picking in Maryland, mussels and frites in Brussels and chile roasted corn in Oaxaca. Join our newsletter "if you only read three things this week" and access our library of free travel resources. This is referred to as “throwing the Sidra.”   The Sidra is immediately tossed back and the next table guest gets the glass and the process starts over. One of the first things you’ll notice in Northern Spain is how cider is poured into a glass. For awhile, I have been meaning to get some sidra from one of my regular La Tienda mail orders, but I keep forgetting. A slightly sweet, slightly sour scent of apples lingers in the squares of Oviedo in northern Spain. Not only is the cider (Sidra) unique but so is the way it is poured. ( Log Out /  But I have indeed enjoyed ciders in various other places and found them to be quite refreshing the summertime. However, differences in land, climate and so on lead to different apples and experts are sure that they can taste the difference. Watch the video to learn about pouring Spanish cider and practice your Spanish at the same time! https://www.happyhourspanish.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/happyhour1-e1350530184509.png, https://www.happyhourspanish.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Learn-Spanish-Videocast-Spanish-Cider-60x60.png. If you travel through northern Spain you are bound to find Spanish cider on offer, and it’s important you know exactly how it must be poured! Simultaneously lift the bottle up, the glass down, in a manner reminiscent of a pseudo-Scottish jig at a late night wedding party or the standard ballerina pretence, just without sticking your leg behind you as well (thank heavens for some small mercies.) Pouring cider Spanish style. (PS – Can you pour cider like that?). __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, Be The Change: Steps to Take for a Better World, The Secret to Pouring Spanish Cider in Asturias, Zafra Parador: Why Paradores Spain Are A Great Idea, Why The Nuremberg Sausage is What the World Needs Right Now, Why Colour Still Matters in Cape Town: What to do in Bo Kaap. Before you leave be sure to comment and share this page with your friends via your favorite social network. I only wish I’d thought to remove my watch before I started…. Hi, I'm Abi, a doctor turned writer who's worked with Lonely Planet, the BBC, UNESCO and more. It's incredible to walk between mountains of apples and then end the day with a good meal! This is talking about the bubbles or froth that forms in the glass after a successful cider pouring. Hint: That’s half the fun! If you all come to Spain, try the cider, it is a great product. That's the size of the sip that you're expected to drink in one go. To actually pour Spanish cider involves a two handed technique. Wow – thanks a fantastic Spanish tradition – makes you want to try it right there on the spot. Indeed, there is. Disclosure: I travelled to Asturias as a guest of Asturias.es. Susan, If we only had enough time to consu,e all this yumyness.

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