Forecast for fire weather this week turning... Pacifica PD inundated with complaints about maskless... New poll finds shaky support for Proposition 16 to restore affirmative action in California, Proposition 16: Why some Asian Americans are on the front lines of the campaign against affirmative action. Major players for it: California Realtors Association, California Professional Firefighters and several local real estate groups. Major players for it: Californians for Kidney Dialysis Patient Protection. Your guide to the ballot measures and races that voters will decide in the March 3 election. Major players for it: Californians for Stem Cell Research, Treatments & Cures and the University of California Board of Regents. The rest. 18 to engage, energize and empower the next generation of voters (San Diego Union Tribune), Thousands of 17-year-olds could vote in California primaries if initiative passes, study says (Sacramento Bee). Major players for it: California Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Assembyman Kevin Mullin (D-22). What it does: Allows homeowners over the age of 55, disabled or victims of a natural disaster to take existing, lower property tax rates to new homes anywhere in the state. Prop. The mass mailings have the same Long Beach mailing address, which is the office of Gould and Orellana LLC. 17 will strengthen both voting rights and public safety (San Diego Union Tribune). The stakes could hardly be higher for the ride-hail companies. The fine print on one mailer says it was prepared by the “Feel the Bern, Progressive Voter Guide,” which is not an actual organization. If it fails, these employees would likely be considered workers entitled to a minimum wage, overtime pay, workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and paid sick leave. But 61 people still caught the coronavirus. Get in touch at if you have any suggestions or if you find any inaccuracies! Fear not! Gavin Newsom, California Apartment Association and construction workers' unions. Recent polling: 39% support, 32% oppose, 29% undecided (UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies poll, Sept. 13-Sept.18), California’s cash bail system favors the rich. 14: There’s much, much more than meets the eye (Capitol Weekly). 24 seemingly seeks to expand internet privacy, critics say it won't (Salinas Californian). UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies poll. The weather models are making the rain look less and less likely. 22 fails, ride prices could jump 25% to 111%, according to CNN. A Canadian spin studio followed public health guidelines. Does not impact homeowners. This is bad news for... How Harris pushed Barrett into sharing her view on... How you can tell if a ballot drop-off box is official. What it does: Issues $5.5 billion in general obligation bonds for the state's stem cell research institute. Proposition 20 What it does: Adds several crimes to the list of violent felonies for which early parole is restricted. The complete list of L.A. Times’ endorsements in the November 2020 election (Illustration by Martin Elfman / For The Times) Sep. 9, 2020. You've seen the ads. Major players for it: Gov. Democratic presidential primary. 15 The Chronicle Editorial Board speaks to proponents of Prop. Major players against it: ACLU of California and the Consumer Federation of California. What it does: Allows the state and its public universities to discriminate or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, or contracting. 22 to pass based on latest polling, Bernie Sanders backs rent control, slams greedy landlords in new ‘yes on 21’ spot, Opponents of rent control initiative say Prop. The measure would allow ride-hail and delivery drivers to continue to be treated as independent contractors, although with some new benefit concessions. If it passes, however, gig corporations won’t have to contribute to Social Security, Medicare or unemployment insurance. Major players for it: Sen. Kamala Harris, the ACLU of California and many state Assembly Democrats. 10:58 AM. Gavin Newsom, several congressional Democrats and civil liberties groups. Major players for it: Gov. Major players against it: A number of Asian American groups and Republicans in the California state Assembly. Endorsements » Feb. 3, 2020 11:00 a.m. Chance for rain in Bay Area decreases by at least 10%. This guide is broken into three categories: 1. The California secretary of state’s Cal-Access database shows numerous expenditures made by the Yes on 22 Uber/Lyft PAC for slate mailers, including $60,000 for a “California Voter Guide,” $48,750 for a “California Latino Voter Guide” and $20,000 for a “Progressive Slate.” All were made on the same date — Aug. 28. (CBS San Francisco), Worried about fires? Major players against it: State Sen. Jim Nielsen (R-4) and the Election Integrity Project California. Plus, endorsements from The Chronicle's editorial board, and information on California's propositions. 19 debate: Funding for fighting wildfires or attack on Prop 13 tax protections? As voters across Santa Fe, the state and the nation cast ballots for the Nov. 3 general election with a focus on the White House, Northern New Mexico's contests offer far less competition. Your guide to the ballot measures and races that Bay Area voters will be deciding. What it does: Adds several crimes to the list of violent felonies for which early parole is restricted. Major players against it: California Chamber of Commerce, California Small Business Association and several taxpayers' groups. Here's a handy, simple guide to each of the 12 propositions on the California ballot for the November general election. (Fresno Bee), Prop. SF Endorsements is an independent, non-partisan source that shows endorsements from … Outdoor dining in this SF neighborhood scared me. Yes on Prop. A slate mailer is a mass mailing (more than 200 substantially similar pieces of mail sent in a calendar month) that supports or opposes a total of four or more candidates or ballot measures. 21 backers violated Stolen Valor Act in ad. See the Editorial Board’s page of endorsements for the 2020 election. omg they call themselves “feel the bern, progressive voter guide”...and they were paid $20k from Uber & Lyft’s PAC to put prop 22 on there When asked to clarify who paid for the mailer, she ended the conversation, saying she had to take an important call. AB 5, which codified a state Supreme Court ruling that made it a lot harder for companies to classify drivers and other so-called gig workers as independent contractors, was signed into law in September 2019. The shutoff will impact 24 counties across Northern California. 22. 22 fails, ride prices could jump 25% to 111%, according to CNN. SF Endorsements is an independent, non-partisan source that shows endorsements from many organizations for the 2020 San Francisco municipal elections and ballot propositions. 18 to engage, energize and empower the next generation of voters, Thousands of 17-year-olds could vote in California primaries if initiative passes, study says, Prop. Major players for it: The University of California Board of Regents, Sens. What it does: Classifies app-based drivers as independent contractors and not employees, which effectively kneecaps AB5. Uber, Lyft and other gig economy companies have spent an astounding $185 million to get voters to pass Proposition 22, would which would allow ride-hail and delivery drivers to continue to be treated as independent contractors. Major players against it: American Legion, California Medical Association and several veterans' and health groups. Prop. 2020 Voter Guide: Editorial Board Endorsements You can still vote in person, starting now. What it does: Allows local governments to enact rent control on housing that was first occupied over 15 years ago. Email: | Twitter:@_ericting. Bernie Sanders backs rent control, slams greedy landlords in new ‘yes on 21’ spot (Business Wire), Opponents of rent control initiative say Prop. Governor’s endorsement of Proposition 15 disappoints Farm Bureau, Uber and Lyft have poured millions of dollars into a November ballot measure to keep Calif. drivers paid as independent contractors, Uber analyst expects California's Prop. But you're not sure what any of these California ballot measures actually do. 14: There’s much, much more than meets the eye, Finally, the Le Creuset chef's oven is on sale for Prime Day, The Keurig K-Mini is $42.73 for Prime Day, Animal Crossing and other Switch games on sale for Prime Day, Board games are hugely discounted for Prime Day. Major players for it: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles chapter and various tenants' groups. California releases guidelines for gatherings with... 2 more Bay Area counties jump from red to orange tier. ), Prop. The shutoff will impact 24 counties across Northern California. ‘Go big or go home:’ One SF restaurant spent $70K on its... As restaurants and bars struggle to survive a now seven-month-long pandemic, an investment of... Maps show where PG&E will turn off power in Bay Area tonight. 10 East Bay regional parks closed amid critical fire... Nancy Pelosi lashes out at Wolf Blitzer in heated... Map shows where strongest winds will develop in Bay... PG&E moves forward with power shutoff on Wednesday. Major players against it: Sen. Kamala Harris, Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and several state Assembly Democrats. Prop. Eric Ting is a reporter for SFGATE who covers politics, the coronavirus pandemic and sports. Endorsements are roughly ranked by their rankings when I did a Google search for "SF endorsements". ‘Go big or go home:’ One SF restaurant spent $70K on its... As restaurants and bars struggle to survive a now seven-month-long pandemic, an investment of... Maps show where PG&E will turn off power in Bay Area tonight. An analysis by the UC Berkeley Labor Center earlier this year found that had California’s gig economy law been in place between 2014 and 2019, Uber and Lyft would have paid $413 million in unemployment insurance alone. Major players against it: Former Gov. Uber estimates that if Prop. 20 increases; opponents charge it’s a step backward for CA (Davis Vanguard). But 61 people still caught the coronavirus. Recent polling: 51% support, 40% oppose, 9% undecided (PPIC poll, Sept. 4-Sept 13. Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein, and various Black Lives Matter-related advocacy groups. (NBC San Diego), Governor’s endorsement of Proposition 15 disappoints Farm Bureau (Lassen County Times). Jerry Brown, the ACLU of California and several criminal justice reform advocacy groups. Would replacing it help people of color? What it does: Places several new regulations on dialysis clinics, including requiring an on-site physician, mandating increased reporting of dialysis-related infections, and not allowing clinics to close before obtaining consent from the state health department. California ballot initiative could help you move to a new city (Sacramento Bee). Uber estimates that if Prop. SF Endorsements is maintained by Peter Xu (co-founder of Wanderlog, a tool to plan vacation travel). Grocery stores are pushing California to be tougher on crime (LA Times), Opposition to Prop. See the Chronicle’s full 2020 Voter Guide. 17 will strengthen both voting rights and public safety, Grocery stores are pushing California to be tougher on crime, Opposition to Prop. Major players against it: Gov. California releases guidelines for gatherings with... 2 more Bay Area counties jump from red to orange tier. Alex Padilla: Vote yes on Prop. 24 seemingly seeks to expand internet privacy, critics say it won't, Alex Padilla: Vote yes on Prop. 22. We're not affiliated with any of the organizations or sources listed. Before joining the SFGate team, he worked at the San Francisco Examiner, Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette. 21 backers violated Stolen Valor Act in ad (San Diego Union Tribune). California ballot initiative could help you move to a new city, Andrew Yang takes lead role in California data privacy campaign, Prop.

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