The Lone Cyberman served plot purposes too.

So, while watching it I immediately thought, okay, Brendon is going to end up being the Doctor. Got me daydreaming about a scenario where the Cyberleader corrupts the emotional inhibitor to let in the emotion of hatred that the Doctor said made him different.

As we know Rose came back and brought Captain Jack back to life but that doesn't mean she didn't bring others back to life as well. Press J to jump to the feed.

478. I felt the Gallifrey reveals in the finale were like some kind of a weird fanfic or indeed some kind of reboot. save hide report. Now i'm not so sure. They lied to us, the founding fathers of Gallifrey.". Click to see spoiler. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

As opposed to rebooting each one individually or delving into the mainframe and figure out how to wake them up, just take one cyberman and hurt him and it registers as an attack and wakes them all up. ... Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! Some of it will probably be like the River arc, which took several seasons to resolve. (Tecteun is either Rassilon's birth name or a pseudonym they used.). Directed by Jamie Magnus Stone. As for Rassilon potentially not being the first Time Lord, I think Tecteun = Rassilon. If Brendan wasn't on sattelite 5 then who's to say that the same thing that happened to Jack didn't happen to Brendan but at a different place and point in time? I mean Captain Jack pretty much has to be The Doctor sending him a message, when he appeared he didn't know The Doctor was a female, it wouldn't make any sense for him to interact with The Doctor directly and then forget about that while delivering the message.


I thought of it as a "Virtual storage" and Brendon was one of the cybermen that got woken up.

He was doing something to them so that they obeyed him.


Banding together with the last dredges of humanity, they must all attempt to find Ko Sharmus and the Boundary before Ashad, or any … We're not going to see all of this in the final episode. Small point, but do we know why the Cyberleader tortured one of the new Cybermen? It's probably still there; we're told that its where prospective young Gallifreyans are taken for initiation into the Time Lord Academy.

Please don't be Timelords are future humans theory. Online. 441.

The penultimate episode of Doctor Who: Series 12.

If the master ends up being the timeless child I will be so happy. Got me daydreaming about a scenario where the Cyberleader corrupts the emotional inhibitor to let in the emotion of hatred that the Doctor said made him different.

Why was there such a build up for the Lone Cyberman which didn’t amount to much? Click to see spoiler.

Is it just me that thought the ‘machine’ they used on Brendon looked like a Chameleon Arch? Was Rasillon not the first Timelord? Spoilers. …

But he didn't, his 'resurrection' (which is what I'll call it for now) looked an awful lot similar to the way Captain Jack came back to life for the first time in the series 1 season finale after Rose gave him that ability when she "soaked up" the time vortex. spoiler. Press J to jump to the feed.

Unleashing Cybermen capable of hatred- almost Dalek-like - and more dangerous than ever. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics. The Doctor and friends arrive in the far future intent on protecting the last of the human race from the deadly Cybermen.

Cookies help us deliver our Services. Please don't be Timelords are future humans theory. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "Be afraid doctor. have they just tried to reboot the entire show by creating all these hidden lives of the Doctor and making out that the Doctor is the root of all TimeLords? Whovians.

Ascension of the Cybermen.

Or is this all a great big trick by The Master which needs unravelled further?

If anything, it just adds a new major figure (Tecteun) into the early Time Lord history. What ever happened to the Untempered Schism? God, that line just reads like bad fan fiction.

Ascension of the Cybermen Questions. 394k. 1.4k comments. Brendan, Captain Jack, Ruth Doctor, Timeless Child, The Master, the portal being Gallifrey, the last episode has soooo many questions to answer. It wouldn't be a "reboot" so much as an injection of new mythology and ideas. spoiler. I was thinking this as well, it might be a great way to "evolve" them "beyond" as he was speaking of.

If the timelords 'upgraded' themselves it would give for a disturbing parallel to the cybermen in the finale.

The bar has been set high for next week's series finale, as …

Yeah, I hope that's the route they'll take it next series. 409k.

The hate and emotional inhibitor thing you mentioned I've also wanted to see - if the Cyberman were corrupted so they could feel only certain emotions like hate and joy, with nothing to balance them out. What ever happened to the Untempered Schism?

A reboot would mean starting the show over completely from scratch, with no references to any past stories. Ascension of the Cybermen. The life in Ireland was just a simulation where they kept his file and then at the end they "woke him up" screaming, like the cybermen earlier, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

I have a feeling Chris realised episodic Who is not enough on 11 and is trying to pull a multi season arc like Moffat. There were at least two founders of Time Lord society - Rassilon and Omega.

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