Trudeau speaks with academic precision. In reality, though, the first thing to ask of history is that it should point out to us the paths of liberty. I showed in those pages that, whereas his tory was moving in one direc tion, the intellectuals were moving in a completely dif ferent direction. is by definition an un derground movement, a ter rorist movement. Democracy must preserve itself. Criminal law therefore cannot be based on the notion of sin; it is crimes that it must define. It was at this time, it is understood, that Drapeau and Bourassa first suggested the imposition of the War Meas ures Act. They will end up forgetting their own language. Sadly Pierre passed away in the year of 2000 due to Parkinson’s Disease and prostate cancer but now we have his son, Justin Trudeau continuing his legacy. You have the power in fact to decide whether I live. The kidnappers were part of the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) who emerged in 1963. ... All I can say is go and bleed It is more important to keep law and order in society than to be worried about weak-kneed people Society must take every means at its disposal to defend itself against the emergence of a parallel power which defies the elected power. weak‐kneed people who don't like the looks of. Red China. . The prob lem in Quebec, he went on, “is people who are incapable of coming to terms with their own past, who would rather talk in terms of historical might‐have‐beens instead of historical realities, who are concerned today that there have been injustices perpe trated on French Canadians 100 years and 50 years and even 25 years ago, and who are not saying, ‘How can we get the best possible deal for French‐Canadians now?’ but who are saying, ‘You know, we would have been much better off if such‐and‐such hadn't happened.’ I remember President Kennedy's answer to those who asked him what he was going to do to undo all the injustices done to the Ne groes in the U.S. I don't really know what a cyclotron is but I am certainly very happy Canada has one! All I can say is, go on and bleed , but it is more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don’t like the looks of – It was addressed to Bourassa. Copy text. Trudeau brought home the signed Charter of Rights along with Canada’s Constitution. But in no sense could I con sider him as a model for my actions, and also in .his, I think, overly great emphasis on the virtues of national ism as opposed to the virtues of in ternationalism or continentalism in the case of Europe, I thought he was too—what shall I say?—inner‐ori ented.”. But I think that in a country like Canada and in a province like Quebec, where freedom is as great as in any country in the world and the ability to change institutions is really within the grasp of any group of men that can convince their fellow citizens that they are right in wanting to change, I think it can only be explained in terms of frus tration of the people who turn to terrorism with their own incapacities. . “I've written often that the country is held together only by con sent, not by force of arms. . ally was there a great struggle. It has revealed that it has no mandate but terror, no policies but violence and no solutions but murder. When these persons were re. Not coincidentally, he set 3 A.M. Friday, an hour before the War Measures Act was to be proclaimed, as the deadline for acceptance. As it convened, the air was electric with tension, although the impending impo sition of the act was not dis cussed. What could be more absurd than the concept of an "all Canadian" boy or girl? Bourassa then made his only compro mise offer: He said he would urgently recommend — the prisoners were a Federal re sponsibility — that five who were eligible for parole be freed if the missing men were returned. The “two nations,” as they came to be known, had little contact and viewed each other with mutual dislike and dis trust. There was no apprehended insur rection in Quebec. Trudeau was icy calm. That evening Trudeau ap peared on nationwide tele vision. If you want to see me again, don't bring signs saying "Trudeau is a pig" and don't bring signs that he hustles women, because I won't talk to you. The result was that they gave absolutely no effective leadership to the people. It would be better, I sometimes say, if there were 200 million French‐speaking people in North America, but there are not. Thousands of city, pro vincial and Federal police— the famed Royal Canadian Mounted Police — were as signed to 16‐hour shifts, but they failed to turn up even a meager clue. . . “. The War Measures Act during the FLQ crisis which was also called the October Crisis was an aspect of Canadian history that Pierre Trudeau shaped. Four men drove up to Laporte's suburban Montreal home, seized him as he was tossing a football with his 13‐year old son and a nephew, and sped away. By agreement of all parties in the House of Commons, there is a matter of terrorism in Quebec that requires extraordinary measures — something. because you can't arrest people quickly and break the back of an underground terrorist movement by giving them four or five days’ notice that this is what we're going to do. If we do, we will vote to secede from the federation. “October Crisis.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. It was all clear. IN the next four weeks, the tension gradually subsided. He said the only thing you can do is to be just in your own time. Question of moral and philosophical issues by the, The transportation such as railroads, cars, ships and, Sudan, Sudan (Dorn, 2005). Meanwhile, Trudeau was hearing disquieting news, from Bourassa and from Mayor Jean Drapeau of Mon treal. . We do not use them because we're grappling for wider and broader powers rather than using the ones we have. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. has sown the seeds of its own destruc tion. No wonder the ensuing structure has turned out to be rather flimsy.”. . . What sweetness is left in life, if you take away friendship? . second thoughts, particularly among trade unionists, intellectuals and the vigorous and liberal press of Mon treal and Toronto. Top quotes by Pierre Trudeau. “They are necessary, however, to permit the police to deal with persons who ad vocate or promote the violent overthrow of our democratic system. The BNA act Pierre Trudeau took part in took place in 1982. “It's not that I mind speculating on that sort of thing,” he said. It is a secret society.”, “I'll have you note,” he went on “that the civil‐liber ties movement in Quebec, of which I was one of the found ers and which has very dis tinguished Canadians in it today, approved our invoca tion of the W.M.A. In the last 30 years, our birth rate has gone from one of the highest in the Western Hemisphere to about the low est. A society which emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate. When Bourassa refused, resignations were an grily offered and then with drawn. hers of the House of Com mons was 95 per cent favor able, according to Romeo Le blanc, Trudeau's press secre tary. TRUDEAU was being L driven back to Ottawa from a weekend at his official country residence on Har rington Lake in Gatineau Na tional Park, about 20 miles north of the city, on Monday morning, Oct. 5, when Cross was abducted at gunpoint by two men from his home on “Embassy Row” on Mount Royal, which overlooks the business district of Montreal, 125 miles to the east. People began to ask if Trudeau, the coolly intellectual Prime Minister, hadn't overreacted and made an inexcusable error of, “TO be more precise, our judgment didn't supersede the law,” Trudeau told me, looking at his tented fingers as he echoed the phrase I had used. How did he account for the rise (Continued from Page 51) of the F. L. Q., I asked. “There are few occa sions when the entire popula tion of a country shares a sin gle emotion and senses a deep unity in the face of events,” he declared. When Laporte was murdered 36 hours later as an act of vengeance—he was strangled with the gold chain of the religious medal he wore around his neck—Canadians recoiled in horror at their first political murder in more than a century. Hopefully, in the future, we may have some other way of bringing in extraordinary measures, but we don't now. An anony mous telephone call to a French‐language radio station in Montreal said that “a pack age” would be found on a lonely suburban road. I remember thinking that walking on the beach as a free man is pretty desirable. They re present more a social sick ness than a political move ment. There is growing evidence. Trudeau: Yes, well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don’t like to see people with helmets and guns. Before Canada had this Charter of Rights Canadians had no such document to refer to. There were fiery speeches by Michel Chartrand, the head of the Montreal branch of the C.N.T.U. Hopes faded at first for the safety of Cross, but then rose again when the F.L.Q. And we couldn't have a debate . He disdains ideology, and his goal is to create in Canada a “just society” in which liberty, oppor tunity, technology and understanding beween English‐speaking and French speaking Canadians can flourish. Since he took office in 1968, his style has been pragmatic, logical. For my part...I am a realist but, somehow, optimism always keeps breaking out. We sat in his paneled corner office on the second floor of the Gothic gray granite Parliament building in Ottawa. 2 man, told a radio interviewer that the front had “infiltrated every strategic position in the Province of Quebec, every place where important de cisions were taken.” He went on to say that FRAP was noth ing more than “a front” for, the F.L.Q., which “wanted to disturb the [Montreal] elec tion by explosions of all kinds and by further kidnappings and even shootings.”, The next day, Trudeau was questioned sharply in the House of Commons.

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