Thanks for Sharing. I hope it does give some motivation to others to try them. The blooms are showy and extra large. If they aren't dried out, they will feel like a fresh onion. If you'd like to use your lilies for cut flowers, cut no farther down than one third of the stalk. Be sure to dig deep enough not to cut the bulb. Join our newsletter to receive amazing offers and coupons + Free Shipping! White as snow with intense fragrance, this classic is a lily fan favorite. Planting bulbs is more economical, though. When removing stalks in the fall, cut them down. I wish I could post a picture of my bouquet (in addition to the roses, we had ranunculus [from another seller] and eucalyptus [from Trader Joe's]) because it was amazing. Watering in the morning is the best time. Plant the bulbs 6 to 8" apart and 4" to 6" deep. Waiting until it sprouts in the spring would be even better. If you notice that they are growing too thickly together and the bloom isn't as prolific, it is time to divide them. They can tolerate partial shade. I love Oriental Lilies. They held up really well on the day of the wedding (June 22) and for a few days after.

Actually I didn't know about the cutting myself until I did some research. Stargazers are my absolute favorite! I haven't purchased an Oriental that I didn't love. The bulbs are best planted when purchased rather than stored. My friends handled the bouquets for my wedding (I was a wee bit overwhelmed, ha) so all I did was take the roses from the boxes, cut the bottom of the stems, and place them in water. Thank you for making my wedding spectacular! There are many varieties to choose from. Answer: There are a couple of reasons I can think of that may be causing this. Voted up and useful. I plan on planting more and will definitely use your advice. Cardisa, Your best bet is to purchase bulbs. I enjoyed your article thank you. They aren't too expensive. The bulbs have scales on them which need to be handled carefully while planting. Bookmarked for future reference! Casa blanca, which means white house in Spanish, has a large white bloom. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. It may be fine. Also voted up and useul! agreenworld, Thanks for reading the hub. If you want a white lily, this is a nice one.

They are available in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Mulching the lilies in the fall is a good idea. Popular varieties of Oriental Lilies are Stargazer Oriental Lily, and Casablanca Oriental Lily. I was concerned that they would arrive too soon, so I contacted the seller. Barbara Badder (author) from USA on May 29, 2013: Joanne, Thank you for reading the hub and voting it up and sharing. I planted several including the Casa Blanca at our new home - cannot wait for this spring to see my new babies. Asiatic Lilies have bold blooms in colors of red, yellow, orange, pink, white or multi-color.

Fertilize with a phosphorus rich fertilizer in the spring.

Many orientals are hardy even in zones 3 and 4. Mary Craig from New York on January 28, 2012: Great job! If for any reason you are unsatisfied with a product's performance within the first growing season, we encourage the customer to contact our Customer Service Department. They will rot if the ground is too wet. If a longer time is needed, plant them in a pot of soil until they can be planted outdoors. You will need to stake them if this happens. DIYmyOmy from Philadelphia, PA on January 27, 2012: Thanks for this, it's a great topic and you really covered all the bases! Wait until the bloom is finished, though, unless you don't care if it blooms this year.

Question: I have a beautiful deep red Oriental lilly. Thanks for commenting. Question: I have planted many oriental lily bulbs that have failed to grow. Muscadet has large white …

Barbara Badder (author) from USA on February 06, 2012: sgbrown, Thanks for reading the hub and thanks for sharing. Our representatives will then work with the customer in an attempt to discover the reason for this dissatisfaction. The perfect flowers bouquets to fill anyone's day with happiness and joy!

Helpful tips and information in this hub. Can I transplant it to other areas?

Thanks for commenting. (Attention brides: Snip off the pollen to avoid dress stains!) The lilies like to be kept moist, but keep the water away from the petals. Dawn A. scentualhealing, We were first introduced to these at a garden show growing against a white fence. You can ruin it if you cut it with the spade and I have had this happen to me. I hope you discover your problem and start getting some bloom. I love roses, but lilies are my favorites. Fallen leaves are fine or you could use straw. You can mix trumpets, Asiatics, Madonna lilies, and others for different bloom times. Barbara Badder (author) from USA on February 03, 2012: GmaGoldie, I'm like you.

Orientals need to have a dry soil, since the bulbs can rot if too wet. Voted up, useful and socially sharing! Receive the latest news on new promotions, exclusive offers, and new arrivals.

Dig in the spot and make sure there is a bulb still there. Because this type grows so tall, you may need to stake it or it may fall in the wind. It's a popular choice for bridal bouquets.

A group of bulbs can put on a real show. The plant that has been grown from a bulb can also be purchased during the summer months and then planted. :). Once planted, they are easy to grow and care for. They responded and were able to delay shipment so they would arrive before the wedding but not too far before. If they get too much shade, the plants will be spindly and not have as many blooms and lean towards the sun. I would not have thought they would be that easy to grow. These have beautiful flowers.

Sheila Brown from Southern Oklahoma on February 06, 2012: Hi Barbara Kay! The green leaves feed the bulb. What type of content do you plan to share with your subscribers? Blooms in early to mid to late summer and comes back every … Anyone who has never smelled an oriental lily doesn't know what they're missing, hopefully your hub will introduce them. Oriental Lilies have fragrant blooms that face outward. Oriental Lilies have fragrant blooms that face outward. It is better to just plant them in a place where they will get at least six hours of full sun a day. Oriental lilies are a beautiful addition to any garden. Oriental lilies are my favorite flower and particularly the Oriental trumpet lily with the stargazer coming in at a close second. Lilies like to have their leaves and flowers in the sun, but have their roots shaded.

Some gardeners fertilize every month during the summer, but I have had good results without doing this. Barbara Badder (author) from USA on January 29, 2012: rebeccamealey, Thanks for commenting and voting up. I can't stand to use mine as cut flowers since they are so beautiful in the garden. Their blooms face upward and don't usually have a scent. They will grow anywhere from 18 inches to 6 feet tall, depending on the variety you choose. Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on January 29, 2012: Great tips or Oriental Lilies. The bulbs multiply much more slowly than Asiatic lily … Dizzy Oriental lilies are an outward-facing white flower with raspberry-red stripes down the middle of each petal with red speckles. scentualhealing from Georgia on January 27, 2012: I love these flowers, they are some of my favorites! Fertilizing right after the bloom time is also a good idea. If you enjoy gardening, you'll love them. I highly recommend these roses as well as this seller. Wedding Reception Centerpieces with Containers, For special events, we recommend delivery. To accomplish this, just plant them in a sunny spot and have shorter perennials surrounding them. Popular varieties of Oriental Lilies are Stargazer Oriental Lily, and Casablanca Oriental Lily. Once we saw them, we had to have them. Tiger Lilies are unique spotted blooms that are tall and bloom mid-to-late summer. Asiatic Lilies have bold blooms in colors of red, yellow, orange, pink, white or multi-color.

Early morning is the best time to cut the flowers. The Orientals are beautiful. Do you have any suggestions about planting? If they aren't planted in full sun, they will tilt towards the sun and staking will be required. Picture you chose was the icing on the cake. Don't let the bulb dry out and don't purchase dried out ones in discount stores, because they probably won't grow. Their blooms face upward and don't usually have a scent. Lilies don't go into dormancy like other bulbs or perennials. If you can't plant them immediately, they will store in the refrigerator or other cool place for a short time. Carolee Samuda from Jamaica on January 28, 2012: I see the same plant as you thanks for this information Barbara. I will have to look them up this spring. Orientals can go years without dividing the bulbs. Be sure to check if the variety you choose is hardy in your zone and you shouldn't go wrong. Another cause could be squirrels or gophers digging up the bulbs and eating them. A good idea is to include different varieties of lilies in the same bed. tillsontitian, Thanks for reading and voting it up. After bloom, don't cut down the stalks until they are brown. Oriental lilies bloom about the time Asiatic lilies are fading. Their blooms are so large and fragrant that it will be love at first sight. Using a time released fertilizer will accomplish the same purpose. If you cut more than this, it can damage your plant or even possibly cause you to lose it. The green leaves will feed the bulb. Harden from CT-USA on January 27, 2012: I love lilies! Kelly Kline Burnett from Madison, Wisconsin on February 02, 2012: The world of flowers is so wonderful and while so many look to roses, the lilies I love.

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