[100], Painting Zelda Fitzgerald as an artist in her own right, Deborah Pike wrote a biography titled The Subversive Art of Zelda Fitzgerald (2017). Ultimately, she would do the same.

[80] Despite the excitement of the affair, Scott was bitter and burned out. In 1918, Scott showed her diary to his friend Peevie Parrot who then shared it with George Jean Nathan. Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald became firm friends, but Zelda and Hemingway disliked each other from their first meeting, and she openly described him as "bogus,"[51] "that fairy with hair on his chest" and "phoney as a rubber check.

[21], By September, Scott had completed his first novel, This Side of Paradise, and the manuscript was quickly accepted for publication. People having the name Zelda are in general originating from Germany, Israel, United Kingdom, United States of America.

Beloved Infidel became a bestseller and later a film starring Gregory Peck as Scott and Deborah Kerr as Graham. [4] In 1914, Sayre began attending Sidney Lanier High School. What are some names that would belong on a list titled ", A user from Australia says the name Zelda is of, A submission from Kentucky, U.S. says the name Zelda means "Cherish one" and is of, A female given name from the Germanic languages.
She did not get better, nor did she finish the novel. The book and movie painted him in a more sympathetic light than the earlier works. Anonymous. I don't like that name at all. "[90], In 1975, however, Scottie successfully campaigned for them to be buried with the other Fitzgeralds at Saint Mary's Catholic Cemetery. Mary. 10 years ago. When Dorothy Parker first met them, Zelda and Scott were sitting atop a taxi. "[96] New York City's borough of Manhattan's Battery Park's resident wild turkey Zelda (d. 2014)[97] was also named after her, because according to legend during one of Fitzgerald's nervous breakdowns, she went missing and was found in Battery Park, apparently having walked several miles downtown. She nonetheless made progress in Asheville, and in March 1940, four years after admittance, she was released. She drank, smoked and spent much of her time with boys, and she remained a leader in the local youth social scene. In its time, the book was not well received by critics. [92] When Tennessee Williams dramatized the Fitzgeralds' lives in the 1980s in Clothes for a Summer Hotel, he drew heavily on Milford's account. Zelda Fitzgerald succeeded, in this novel, in conveying her own heroic desperation to succeed at something of her own, and she also managed to distinguish herself as a writer with, as Edmund Wilson once said of her husband, a 'gift for turning language into something iridescent and surprising. [32], Zelda never became particularly domestic, nor showed any interest in housekeeping. Scott, she insisted, had not. The novel is also deeply sensual; as literary scholar Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin wrote in 1979, "The sensuality arises from Alabama's awareness of the life surge within her, the consciousness of the body, the natural imagery through which not only emotions but simple facts are expressed, the overwhelming presence of the senses, in particular touch and smell, in every description."[74]. Publicly, this meant little more than napping when they arrived at parties, but privately it increasingly led to bitter fights. No actual description of the paintings was provided in the review. [62] While the public still believed the Fitzgeralds to live a life of glamor, friends noted that the couple's partying had somewhere gone from fashionable to self-destructive—both had become unpleasant company. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database. Zelda was given the name Zelda Sayre on July 24th, 1900 in United States. Scott wrote short stories furiously to pay the bills, but became burned out and depressed.

[58], Zelda had a deep desire to develop a talent that was entirely her own. They live the fast life in Connecticut before departing to live in France.

She has had major accomplishments since 1920. [57], Though Scott drew heavily upon his wife's intense personality in his writings, much of the conflict between them stemmed from the boredom and isolation Zelda experienced when Scott was writing. They attempted to celebrate with travel to Rome and Capri, but both were unhappy and unhealthy. Zelda is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. The map shows the relative popularity of the name Zelda as a first name in each of the states. Though the Great Depression had struck America, Scribner agreed to publish her book, and a printing of 3,010 copies was released on October 7, 1932.

[4] A newspaper article about one of her dance performances quoted her as saying that she cared only about "boys and swimming. Lv 4.

In September, Zelda overdosed on sleeping pills. "[39] Zelda described the flapper: The Flapper awoke from her lethargy of sub-deb-ism, bobbed her hair, put on her choicest pair of earrings and a great deal of audacity and rouge and went into the battle. [2][3] Her siblings were Anthony Dickinson Sayre, Jr. (1894–1933), Marjorie Sayre (Mrs. Minor Williamson Brinson) (1886–1960), Rosalind Sayre (Mrs. Newman Smith) (1889–1979), Clothilde Sayre (Mrs. John Palmer) (1891–1986), and Lenora Sayre (1897-1899), who died of diphtheria at age two. [107] Zelda's biographer Cline wrote that the two camps are "as diametrically opposed as the Plath and Hughes literary camps"—a reference to the heated controversy about the relationship of husband–wife poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.

Zelda believed, her biographer Milford said, that Scott's work contained "an American temperament grounded in belief in oneself and 'will-to-survive' that Scott's contemporaries had relinquished. Zelda found condoms that he had purchased before any encounter occurred, and a bitter fight ensued, resulting in lingering jealousy. He left the Riviera later that year, and the Fitzgeralds never saw him again. He expected to be sent to France, but was instead assigned to Camp Mills, Long Island. Born in Montgomery, Alabama, Zelda Sayre was the youngest of six children. Longer bars in the bar graph indicate that people in the country are more interested in the name. "[99] In 1989, the F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald museum opened in Montgomery, Alabama. At age 27, she became obsessed with ballet, which she had studied as a girl.

Show more answers (2) Still have questions? [47] Fitzgerald wrote in his notebooks, "That September 1924, I knew something had happened that could never be repaired. Then ask if there are any eggs, and if so try and persuade the cook to poach two of them. She and her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, became emblems of the Jazz Age, for which they are still celebrated. [82] The Fitzgeralds never saw each other again. Zelda Fitzgerald (née Sayre; July 24, 1900 – March 10, 1948) was an American novelist, socialite, and painter. Scott saw the novel's publication as the way to Zelda's heart.

Zelda: A Biography, the first book-length treatment of Zelda's life, became a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, and figured for weeks on The New York Times best-seller list. ®. 0 1. There was allegedly discussion between the men of publishing it under the name of "The Diary of a Popular Girl". Although some writers have said that Scott's diaries include an entry referring to "Zelda and her abortionist", there is, in fact, no such entry. As with the tepid reception of her book, Zelda was disappointed by the response to her art. Zelda was given the name Zelda May Rubinstein on May 28th, 1933 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Zelda is also known as Zelda Rubenstein. [91], A play based on The Disenchanted opened on Broadway in 1958.
Zelda Fitzgerald was a modernism writer. [15], According to Nancy Milford, Scott and Zelda's first encounter was at a country club dance in Montgomery,[4] which Scott fictionalised in his novel The Great Gatsby, when he describes Jay Gatsby's first encounter with Daisy Buchanan, although he transposed the location in the novel to a train station.

In a 1968 edition of Save Me the Waltz, F. Scott Fitzgerald scholar Matthew Bruccoli wrote, "Save Me the Waltz is worth reading partly because anything that illuminates the career of F. Scott Fitzgerald is worth reading—and because it is the only published novel of a brave and talented woman who is remembered for her defeats. "[101] But as Save Me the Waltz was increasingly read alongside Milford's biography, a new perspective emerged. The fire moved through the dumbwaiter shaft, spreading onto every floor. "[52] She considered Hemingway's domineering macho persona to be merely a posture; Hemingway in turn, told Scott that Zelda was crazy. [34] When Harper & Brothers asked her to contribute to Favorite Recipes of Famous Women she wrote, "See if there is any bacon, and if there is, ask the cook which pan to fry it in. Everyone wanted to meet him. [4] He wrote, "all criticism of Rosalind ends in her beauty,"[10] and told Zelda that "the heroine does resemble you in more ways than four.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 3. Lv 7. J. Lv 4. When he received the proofs from his novel he fretted over the title: Trimalchio in West Egg, just Trimalchio or Gatsby, Gold-hatted Gatsby, or The High-bouncing Lover. Zelda is a nickname for the feminine name Griselda, which may originally have meant "dark battle", and also the feminine form of the yiddish name Selig, meaning "blessed", "happy". But Scott was totally dismissive of his wife's desire to become a professional dancer, considering it a waste of time. [41] In April 1924, they left for Paris. [42][43], After arriving in Paris, they soon relocated to Antibes[44] on the French Riviera.

"[81], After a drunken and violent fight with Graham in 1938, Scott returned to Asheville.

Nine women, including Zelda, died. Also see the lists of names of German origin. While Scott was absorbed writing The Great Gatsby, Zelda became infatuated with a dashing young French pilot, Edouard S. Greta. It is one of the few places where some of Zelda's paintings are kept on display.

It was Zelda who preferred The Great Gatsby. [85], Zelda read the unfinished manuscript of the novel Scott was writing upon his death, The Last Tycoon. [13], F. Scott Fitzgerald was known to appreciate and take from Zelda's letters, even at one point plagiarising her diary while he was writing This Side of Paradise. In, Bryer, Jackson R. "The critical reputation of F. Scott Fitzgerald." Inscribed on their tombstone is the final sentence of The Great Gatsby: "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. In 1970, however, the history of Scott and Zelda's marriage saw its most profound revision in a book by Nancy Milford, then a graduate student at Columbia University. [61] In September 1929, she was invited to join the ballet school of the San Carlo Opera Ballet Company in Naples, but, as close as this was to the success she desired, she declined the invitation. [30], On Valentine's Day in 1921, while Scott was working to finish his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned, Zelda discovered she was pregnant. As she emerged from the anesthesia, Scott recorded Zelda saying, "Oh, God, goofo I'm drunk. [87] She was identified by her dental records and, according to other reports, one of her slippers.[88]. "[17], Their courtship was briefly interrupted in October when he was summoned north. Thus in the 1970s, Zelda became an icon of the feminist movement—a woman whose unappreciated potential had been suppressed by patriarchal society. Zelda Harris is an actress and actor. Though ostensibly a piece about the decline of the flapper lifestyle, Zelda's biographer Nancy Milford wrote that the essay was "a defense of her own code of existence.

[71], The parallels to the Fitzgeralds were obvious.

The name Zelda has five characters.

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