Selvom hun virker meget charmerende, bliver det hurtigt afsløret, at hun har en mørkere, mere ildevarslende side. He explained that Lyra did it because she had overheard a prophecy that death would end and felt it her duty to fulfill it. With horror, she noted that a single golden hair remained in the resonating chamber MacPhail brought together the two wires with a spark and the silver blade shot down to sever him from his dæmon. She is described as appearing "beautiful and young" with "sleek black hair" that "framed her cheeks" and slim,[3] though later accounts of her describe her as having blonde or "golden" hair.

She cried out for Lyra, her appearance significantly dishevald by her anguish, and her dæmon thrashed around on the floor where he was coiled in a silver chain. TreacheryMurderTortureCorruptionKidnappingOppressionAnimal crueltyPsychological abuse His aim was to use Marisa to lead them to Lyra.[22]. [37] She was so charming that even those aware of her charm were often unable to resist. After Mr. Coulter discovers the existence of his wife's daughter, he goes after Lyra in a murderous rage but is killed by Lyra's father Lord Asriel, who saves Lyra. He was insulted by her treating him like a servant but she felt it was deserved given his abject manner. He ignored her in favour of speaking to Ogunwe once they had landed and the technicians also showed no interest in her.

[8], Marisa became one of the few female members of the Royal Arctic Institute. His Dark Materials Original Television Soundtrack, The Musical Anthology of His Dark Materials, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function,,

Boreal struggled to breath behind Marisa and the monkey shook off the snake in contempt. It reminded her of the heresy of an experimental theologian for suggesting that there were more than three spatial dimensions. Known as Mrs. Coulter throughout the series, she is an icy and sophisticated villainess and makes her first appearance in the first novel Northern Lights (1995). Only the Cardinal among the men was unaffected by her power; when he tried to question her about something the witch revealed, she angrily suggested that they could torture her, although that would be fruitless as she was hiding nothing. With both his golden fur and Marisa's looks, the pair were able to flatter, entice, and threaten adults and children alike which made them valuable allies when working for the General Oblation Board or convincing people to do as they asked. Na serie ela geralmente é chamada por Sra. [12] Bonneville used to be an authority on elementary particles, leading a group in Paris researching the Rusakov field. There was no chance for Will to snatch the pistol from Marisa. Following an explosion, Marisa came to whilst being lifted up by Asriel. She watched as the hydro-anbaric engineers struggled with a power cable and remembered that, though Lord Roke had seen the rest of the hair placed in the resonating chamber, he would not be able to get it out unnoticed. At the beginning of The Northern Lights Mrs Coulter saves Lyra from the Gobblers by taking her out of Oxford, and nearing the end of The Northern Lights, Mrs Coulter yet again saves Lyra from having her daemon cut away (a process known as intercision).
The baby bore no resemblance to Edward, so Marisa hid th… She was notably manipulative, managing to use various church organisations and powerful individuals in her quest for power. She made a show of selecting the best arrow from her quiver and snapping it, telling Mary that she had vowed to put the arrow in Marisa's throat after watching her torturing the witch near Svalbard. She had moved Lyra to right beside her, which made Will's rescue mission with the knife much more challenging., Mrs. Coulter was named the third top villain by Big Bad Reads after. The golden monkey is shown to be capable of going much further from Mrs Coulter than other dæmons are able to separate from their humans. As she listened, Marisa was impressed by their detailed and accurate knowledge of the Church's defences and strengths. He declared that he was not going to waste further time and resources on her if she did not want to be helped. She and her dæmon wondered why Asriel had chosen to show them the craft, questioning if he had any inkling about their plan to spy. When Cardinal Sturrock implied that Marisa might have been keeping information from them about Lyra, she furiously demanded that the men tell her about the prophecy, admitting that her daughter was born in shame but that this did not lessen her right to know. Her dæmon was a golden monkey whose name was never revealed. Marisa's manipulation of him was successful and she told him to follow her to Asriel.[44]. Marisa personally came to Svalbard to meet him and offered him all sorts to keep Asriel out of the way. Near the conclusion of The Amber Spyglass, Mrs. Coulter unites with Lord Asriel to defeat Regent Metatron and save Lyra. Bud Schlesinger speculated that Bonneville's interest in Lyra was as a bargaining tool, as he also knew of the prophecy and was becoming increasingly desperate, unable to find work after his release.

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