Could never stand her, but almost on board with you, Andy. She’s probably gonna roll useless Albanese as Labor leader. Application may not work as expected. As they do. "She's trying to have a debate but I think the language she used was dangerous," Mr Shanahan told Sky News host Peta Credlin. Ms Keneally has recently written an op-ed in the Nine newspapers arguing that migration cannot remain at the same levels post-pandemic. To finally, hopefully come out as this. What a spectacle as the Murdoch Press goes full political correctness to protect its real estate profits. This could be an angle taken to deflect the racism claims by saying we want more people with a long term connection to the country but that could result in lower numbers at any one time in the labour market. Bramston is getting slammed in the comments. The LNP for their part I think see the writing on the wall and are already talking about trying to double the international student intake – which they will spin as about export dollars and not mention the labour market impacts – which is actually what they are mostly after. If he opposes it – then this has been the first step on the road to rolling him. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to view this page. Even he asked why can’t we discuss the topic of immigration. It can drive a wedge deep into the Government and its Murdoch propaganda arm if it continues. Why does that stand out to me so much in the whole dialogue? They disappear when it becomes an economic argument. ‘It’s about the mix between temporary and permanent migrants.’ Just appalling. He has not had he spark he once had, since his divorce from Carmel Tebbit. Application may not work as expected. Those that look good on paper don’t often end up doing high skilled work. Our permanent migrant intake of 160,000 this year and next will be significantly reduced due to coronavirus. Image: News Corp Australia. No, but interestingly, they are all just slowly starting to line up behind her, using very careful language so as to not to be seen to be flip-flopping though….watch this space…. I suspect Labor have read the tea leaves on Post (If we are lucky) corona world and realise that we are in for years of very depressed economic activity, billions are slated to lose their work and thousands of businesses will go to the wall. Now, do YOU think it’s racist to plan the level and type of migration each year like we care about the people and environment here? Hidden behind Rupert’s paywall, so here are some particular gems: “It takes a certain level of chutzpah for an immigrant like Kristina Keneally to lecture Australians about the need to restrict immigration. Hopeful. You can’t trust this. This could and should be fixed today by the Government. Useful idiots: Kim Carr, Geoff Raby, Jordies star in CCP propaganda, Gladys the Grub corruption sizzles, outbreak fizzles, More evidence Dan Andrews lied about ADF quarantine support,,,,, Asset allocation in the great Australian adjustment, US election risk collapses as Trump a goner | 67 comments, Embattled Berejiklian discovers imminent virus outbreak | 59 comments, Royal commission for Murdoch PLUS Guardian, ABC, SBS… | 86 comments, Time Victorians threw Manchurian Dan out of power | 82 comments, No manufacturing for VIC as Manchurian Dan sends it to China | 47 comments, Melbourne property values falling at GFC pace | 17 comments. Never underestimate just how much Fran despises the Labor Party. We need to work out what’s the optimal settings for Australia when it restarts again. Even the pansified ACTU is on board with the Labor shift: Too many employers had been using the temp visa system to avoid hiring locals & to exploit people whose visa status & security depended on their employer. They have already bought their Liberal Winter pyjamas. The Left are taking a dangerous tack even mentioning more permanent visas vs temporary. Welcome on-board in cutting immigration to save Australian jobs and lift Australian wages.”,, Ad hominem attacks and moronic arguments in equal measure from Bramston in The Australian Never bite the hand that feeds you. "She’s not across the detail and certainly has a very divided party on the issue," he said. From there I could see there was a shift in the narrative from her. US-born Keneally wants Australia’s immigration program, post-pandemic, to be reduced overall and the composition changed. It’s going to split this voter base and expose the big Australia masters behind these positions. Note individual client performance will vary based on the amount invested, ethical overlays and the date of purchase. Weird to say it but where are all the hard core right wing nationalists when you need them? Bolt on Sky: Immigration into Australia ‘is a giant ponzi scheme’ –, Great interview, cheers for the skynews link. By David Llewellyn-Smith in Australian Economy, Australian Politics. It must have been very sobering to lose that election, and each of them would have reflected long. Any politican who believes that importing cheap labour whilest the unemployment rate is 10% + should consider joining the queue for jobseeker. While we should invest in training for future workers and upskill those presently working or out of work, we cannot replace a migrant workforce overnight. “We must make sure that Australians get a fair go and a first go at jobs,” Senator Keneally wrote. “I can’t see how she doesn’t win out of this.” – Albo will find a way. Even the IPA guys are sh!tting on Bramston:, It will be interesting to watch the damage control. David is the founding publisher and editor of MacroBusiness and was the founding publisher and global economy editor of The Diplomat, the Asia Pacific’s leading geo-politics and economics portal. One of the great things about Australia is our immigrant story: the contribution made to upskilling our economy, enlivening our communities and enriching our culture. "And it has certainty riled some within the Labor Party". If Labor return to the party for workers and plebs they’ll win convincingly IMO. Application may not work as expected. It would be very interesting to watch this play out, but as anyone can see, there will be no cutting of immigration. I’m hopeful. “We must make sure that Australians get a fair go and a first go at jobs,” Senator Keneally wrote. Sally McManus responded to me via twitter on this topic a few weeks ago actually. That oxymoron makes perfect sense, if you’ve already lost your mind. Lot of the aspirational Australians and battlers, silent Australians, whatever you call them can sniff the inconsistency to their lived experience in this line of attack. KK kept talking about labour supply. This language is loaded with ignorance and prejudice. This has to be a bait and switch. Ms Keneally has written an op-ed in the Nine newspapers arguing that migration cannot remain at the same levels post-pandemic. There is nothing racist about wanting a job for even the most ignorant, stupid citizen before a foreign national. If I am a successful experienced professional who has already risen through the ranks and have job security in my home country I have more to lose by taking a chance in relocating (and my spouse and kids) to a new country. “Fran, do you think indigenous people are comfortable with 350k migrants from China and India every year? Ms Keneally has written an op-ed in the Nine newspapers arguing that migration cannot remain at the same levels post-pandemic.

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