
But we need to be care­ful here, be­cause the stan­dard is more strict than that. France, in particular, furnished him the most financial aid. Ineffectual were the efforts of several princes to induce the cardinals to undertake an election: neither party would yield. [2], Pope John XXII was an excellent administrator and efficient at reorganizing the Church. tum Bonifatianoe tum Avinionensis, I (Rome, 1890); KOENIG, Die paepstliche Kammer unter Klemens V. u. Johann XXII (Vienna, 1894); SAMARAN AND MOLLAT, La fiscalite pontificale en France au XIV siecle (Paris, 1905); GOELLER, Die Einnahmen der apstol. [9] John XXII died in Avignon in 1334 (aged 89/90), probably of stomach cancer. Despite holding for many years a view widely held to be heretical, John XXII is not considered a heretic because the doctrine he had contradicted had not been formally defined by the Church until his successor, Benedict XII, addressed it by the encyclical Benedictus Deus,[18] which formally defined this doctrine as contrary to Church teaching. As there was no universally acknowledged German king, and the pope had not given preference to either candidate, neither could hope to exercise imperial authority. Trajectense, (2 vols., The Hague, 1891-6); RIEDER, Roem. Louis, however, took no further steps to effect a reconciliation with the pope. var m_names=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var d=new Date();var curr_day=d.getDay();var curr_date=d.getDate();var curr_month=d.getMonth();var curr_year=d.getFullYear();document.write("Retrieved "+m_names[curr_month]+" "+curr_date+", "+curr_year+" from New Advent: ");

1316-1334, XXIV (Bar-le-Duc, 1872-); RIEZLER, Vatikanische Akten zur deutschen Gesch. //]]> Did Pope John XXII teach heresy about the Beatific Vision? Moreover, many foreign benefices were already canonically in the papal gift, and the annates from them were paid regularly into the papal treasury. During this respite, lengthened at his own request, Louis took no steps towards a reconciliation, and on 23 March, 1324, John pronounced on the king the sentence of excommunication. The quarrel between John XXII and Louis of Bavaria stirred up a vigorous literary feud concerning the relations of Church and State. Quartalschr. tum Bonifatianoe tum Avinionensis, I (Rome, 1890); KOENIG, Die paepstliche Kammer unter Klemens V. u. Johann XXII (Vienna, 1894); SAMARAN AND MOLLAT, La fiscalite pontificale en France au XIV siecle (Paris, 1905); GOELLER, Die Einnahmen der apstol. in Roem. John ap­point­ed a com­mis­sion at Avi­gnon to study the writ­ings of the Fa­thers, and to dis­cuss fur­ther the dis­put­ed ques­tion. However, Louis IV had silenced the papal claims and John XXII stayed the rest of his life in Avignon. ; HEFELE, Konziliengesch., VI (2nd ed. The electoral college was composed of eight Italian cardinals, ten from Gascony, three from Provence, and three from other parts of France. //]]> Dawn Eden Gold­stein, “Be­ware the Catholic ho­mophile.” James Rus­sell, “In­cred­i­bly sol­id. The pope further ratified the treaty between Duke Leopold of Austria and Charles I of France, in which the former promised to help the latter to the title of German King, and then of Roman Emperor. St. Bernard [Doctor of the Church, 1090-1153] often taught that deceased just persons immediately after death will obtain immense happiness, but not the beatific vision until the resurrection [of their bodies]. But Louis had made himself so universally obnoxious in Italy, on account of his tax levies, that the position of the antipope was untenable. Thank­ful­ly, the pope re­cants his views, and af­ter his death, his suc­ces­sor, Bene­dict XII, de­clares it doc­trine that souls who are saved see Heav­en af­ter death. The transfer of the papacy from Rome to Avignon was esteemed to have taken place in the interests of France, which impression was strengthened by the preponderance of French cardinals, and by the long-continued conflict with King Louis of Bavaria. Trajectense, (2 vols., The Hague, 1891-6); RIEDER, Roem. After many weeks of unprofitable discussion as to where the conclave should be held, the electoral assembly was entirely dissolved. He caused the works of Petrus Olivi and Meister Eckhardt to be examined, and condemned the former, while he censured many passages in the latter's works. Pope John, on the other hand, had need of large revenues, not only for the maintenance of his Court, but particularly for the wars in Italy. Sub­ject. He enlarged and partly reorganized the papal Curia, and was particularly active in the administration of ecclesiastical finances. The extensive reservation of ecclesiastical benefices was destined to exercise a prejudicial influence on ecclesiastical life. On 17 January, 1328, the excommunicated German king received in Rome the imperial crown from Sciarra Colonna, who on 18 April, after a farcical proceeding, and in the name of Louis of Bavaria, proclaimed John XXII a heretic, usurper, and oppressor of the Church, and deprived him of all his papal dignities. (1884), 63 sqq.

John disagreed, holding that the fullness of the Beatific Vision would be delayed until the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment at the end of the world. The latter meanwhile had renewed his sentence against Louis of Bavaria, and proclaimed in Italy a crusade against him (1328). New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. ), 575 sqq. Pope John XXII (Latin: Ioannes XXII; 1244[1] – 4 December 1334), born Jacques Duèze (or d'Euse), was head of the Catholic Church from 7 August 1316 to his death in 1334. The matter, however, was then postponed. The latter maintained (13 March, 1317) that, by reason of the vacancy of the Roman Empire, all imperial jurisdiction resided with the pope, and, following the example of his predecessor Clement V, he appointed King Robert of Sicily imperial vicar for Italy (July, 1317). With untiring energy, and in countless documents, John followed up all ecclesiastical or politico-ecclesiastical questions of his day, though no particular grandeur is remarkable in his dealings. Right. The matter, however, was then postponed. In 1328 Louis set out for Rome, where the Guelphs had been overthrown with their senator, King Robert of Naples. (1884), 63 sqq. The Spirituals, always in close alliance with Louis of Bavaria, profited by these events to accuse the pope of heresy, being supported by Cardinal Napoleon Orsini. [Ob­vi­ous­ly any­thing he wrote “be­fore his el­e­va­tion to the Holy See” does not count as teach­ing meant to bind the Church.].

Here, I write pri­mar­i­ly pub­lic com­men­tary from a Catholic per­spec­tive.

— See ANNATES; APOSTOLIC CAMERA). When Louis of Bavaria saw his power firmly established in Germany, he set out early in 1327 for Italy, where in February, with the chiefs of the Italian Ghibellines, he held a congress at Trent.

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