Located near the tailbone, the sacral nerves control the bladder and muscles related to urinary function. If the external phase works, the second phase is done in Memorial Medical Center’s surgical suite. Those nerves control the muscles of the pelvic floor, urinary and anal sphincters, lower urinary tract and colon. A small lead is placed, and the generator is applied externally to allow you to see if the treatment helps your symptoms. InterStim Therapy is a reversible therapy that uses an implantable device to send mild electrical pulses to stimulate the sacral nerves. / You will wear it for about one week and keep a log of your symptoms. The first trial phase may be an outpatient procedure done in your physician’s office. If the brain and sacral nerves don’t communicate correctly, the nerves can’t tell the bladder to function properly. All rights reserved. If a patient becomes pregnant or is trying to become pregnant, the doctor will need to shut off the device. This is called test stimulation. Springfield, Illinois. All rights reserved. © 2020 Memorial Health System. There is minimal, if any, discomfort. Interstim is an FDA-approved procedure, which has been shown to help women with urinary retention and overactive bladder. You will go home the same day. This two-phase procedure works by helping your brain communicate with your sacral nerves. Find a clinician that offers InterStim Therapy, Find a location that offers InterStim Therapy, COPE – Center for Colorectal & Pelvic Health, TX, © 2019 GI Alliance. Sacral nerves control the bladder and the nerves that help urinary function. The generator and leads are implanted under the skin in a short procedure with local anesthetic and sedation. The sacral nerves … The first stage is done as an outpatient procedure or day case. Interstim is an FDA-approved procedure, which has been shown to help women with urinary retention and overactive bladder. As with any minimally invasive procedure, patients have a chance of infection, swelling, bruising and bleeding. This first stage serves as a trial run and the symptom improvement is monitored by a patient questionnaire. | Privacy Policy | Sitemap, Urinary incontinence: the involuntary leaking of urine due to the loss of bladder control, Overactive bladder (OAB): the sudden urge to urinate that cannot be controlled, Urinary retention: the inability to empty the bladder; patients will often feel full but cannot urinate or only release a small amount of urine, Learning to suppress the urge with special techniques using your pelvic floor muscles.

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