We only use your information for internal use ~ we do not share your personal information. Lantana Involucrata is also called wild-sage because if you crush its leaves, they will smell like sage. ‘Lavender Swirl’ is similar to the species, but has white flowers that gradually deepen to pale lavender and finally rich lavender. The bright flower heads of lantana (Lantana spp.) It also appreciates a rest after that long period of blooming & before the new growth appears. Native to American tropics such as South Florida, the plant features a medium-sized shrub that reaches about 4 to 8 feet high and spreads as wide as it grows tall. This yr, the leaves showed later and are coming in so slowly, only 1.5-2″ tall and it is almost July 4th. Excessive fertilizer may reduce flowering and make plants more susceptible to disease. Plants grow 2 to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. I live in Atlanta suburb, zone 7. I found that this dead growth mostly lifted right out so I lightly removed, some light cutting of the dead stuff down to level of new green leaf area. Plant a stem in each hole, and gently firm the soil around it. These lantanas also look magnificent when grown in small baskets and pots alongside other varieties. Flowers are orange, gold, pink and coral. I’m so sad they are looking bad. Gardeners enjoy lantana for its relative ease of growth and wide variety of blooming colors. Lantana is a very popular landscape and is used in many different ways. I leave the woody ugly stems of the Bush all winter, cutting back to ground when new leaves start showing in late late spring. Unless noted otherwise, listed species and cultivars are not reliably hardy and will most likely perform as annuals. Keep the cut stem ends moist. try DEMO In fact, there are so many varieties of verbena that is can be difficult to navigate the sea of colors, growth heights and blooming patterns of the group. Patricia Hamilton Reed has written professionally since 1987. Pinch the tips of new growth when they’ve grown 2 to 3 inches to encourage fullness and bushy new shoots. ‘Patriot Deen Day Smith’ is a newer variety with pastel colors of rose pink, canary yellow apricot. Prune perennial lantanas back hard in spring (March) to remove old growth and prevent woodiness. Plant lantana in spring, at least 2 weeks after all danger of frost is past. This week I see 3-4 very tiny (1/4″) flowers starting to form. Much more opened up with plenty of room for that beautiful new growth to branch out. They were full. Warning: the berries are very toxic. How to Start a Confederate Rose Bush From a Cutting→, How to Propagate Gerbera Daisy Plants from Cuttings→, How to Start Roots With a Citronella Plant Piece→. You want to wait until the danger of frost has passed & the evening temps are consistently above 38-40F. Sterile. The genus comprises more than 150 species, make it a versatile and plentiful group of plants to choose from when selecting perennials for a garden or landscape. So, you are probably a 7 to 8 zone; most of the lantanas will do well, but make sure that you do provide a nice ‘mulch blanket’ in case you have a deep freeze in your area! Trim plants back to encourage new growth and flowering. Your email address will not be published. If you’re pruning it for the 1st time, don’t be afraid you’ll wreck it. Your cost for the products will be no higher but Joy Us garden receives a small commission. Pros, cons and where to buy them, Wood Joinery Heritage: The Mortise and Tenon Joint, The Sowden House Deesigned by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Son. If you’re like me, you have a lot of Spring pruning to do! ... As an annual, lightly prune to shape as needed or if it outgrows a space. Take 4- to 6-inch cuttings from this year’s green or semi-brown, nonflowering lantana shoots between mid-summer and early fall. Lantana is commonly grown as a sun-loving flowering annual in South Carolina. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Short and stout clusters of baby pink blooms that turn to dazzling rich pink hues will make a fine addition to any garden. Thoughts? Poor blooming is usually caused by too much shade or excessive fertilization. If you are curious to find out more about this flowering shrub, it is probably best not to consider growing this plant. ‘Patriot Honeylove’ is a compact spreading cultivar up to 2 feet tall by 3 feet wide with pale pink, butter yellow, and ivory flowers Plants are slightly mounded with gentle weeping habit that is suitable for growing over walls or in hanging baskets. The Herb Exchange Blog, © 2019 by The Growers Exchange. Water: Newly planted lantanas will need to be kept moist for the first few weeks until the roots have spread into the surrounding soil. The hummingbirds and butterflies will be most grateful! Following the pruning of lantana plants, you may also want to apply some light fertilizer. Thank you so much for your help. The same is true in Southern California. Some say when ripe, some when unripe & some say both. 3 warnings regarding Lantana flowers: Lantana has a somewhat pungent foliage. ‘Mozelle’ is similar to ‘Miss Huff in size and hardiness, but the flowers are much softer in color, varying from pale yellow to peach and soft pink. This cultivar is very heavy blooming, with deep gold flowers. I’ll do 1 or 2 much lighter ones to shape during the summer. As they mature, the flowers develop a tint of light, pastel pink color that oozes beauty and grace. However, you might come across ‘yellow’ trailing lantanas that are actually a hybrid between Lantana Motevidensis and yellow Lantana Camara. bloom all summer, attracting hosts of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. In regions where lantana is winter hardy, shearing plants lightly following flowering promotes stem branching and a future flush of flowers. Lantana comes in cultivars that grow from 1 1/2 to 6 feet tall. The use of lantana pastazensis in home gardens is highly limited and for the right reasons as well – it contains pentacyclic terpenoids that is toxic to humans. It’s classified as a flowering perennial and comes in shrub form as well as ground cover/trailing. In a few weeks I’ll take another snip or 2 if need be. This type of lantana is best suited for ornamental uses as its inflorescence flowers are not just showy but are also very fragrant. ‘Athens Rose’ is a new cultivar that appears likely to be hardy throughout South Carolina. Both are prolific bloomers that attract a multitude of hummingbirds and butterflies. if not, I may move them to get Some afternoon shade. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular varieties and their characteristics: Lantana is widely considered a perennial in tropical regions of the globe, but it also grows fairly widely as an annual. Tucson has colder winters so I do it in early to mid-March. Popcorn Lantana is distinct from most of the other varieties because it instead of being cultivated for showy flowers; this type of lantanas is largely cultivated for its ornamental fruits. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Start by making sure your pruners are clean & sharp. Lantana Variations & Cultivars.

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