How they would talk! Now, there is one last lesson that I would draw, and that is the ultimate recognition of the work and the joyful meeting of the workers. Well, for Philip it was enough that Jesus Christ sent him to the eunuch and did not send him to Cornelius. Philip learned the truth about the kingdom of God at the feet of Jesus, then preached the gospel after Jesus' resurrection and ascension. Do not ask now what you are to do when you get there.

'Surely I will never forget any of their works.' Here is a beautiful instance of the contented acceptance of a lot very much less conspicuous, very much less brilliant, than the early beginnings had seemed to promise. And there is a further lesson for us, who, for the most part, have to lead obscure lives. Philip the apostle was last mentioned in Acts 1:13 as one of the disciple who was in the upper room following their return from the mount of Olivet.

There he remained for twenty years; and we do not hear a word about him in all that time. There is, first, a brief space of brilliant service, and then there are long years of obscure toil. And that is what will happen to us all. And Nathaniel said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? There are great principles which no organisation must break, but if these be kept, the form is a matter of convenience.

How did Philip die?

Those seven were chosen as "full of the Spirit and wisdom" and were ordained to that ministry by … . Was Kobe Bryant a Satanist and member of the Illuminati?

Tradition says Philip the Apostle preached in Phrygia, in Asia Minor, and was martyred there at Hierapolis. There is another lesson that I take from these first busy years of Philip's service. The bible declares this was one of the seven in referenced to Acts 6:3. So we can’t say for sure which accounts are referring to which Philip. Very early on, Christians confused Philip the Apostle with Philip the Evangelist from the Book of Acts. “And we came to Caesarea,” the apostle Paul recounts, “and went into the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the seven, and stayed with him. Philip the evangelist was one of seven men (including Stephen) chosen by the apostles to oversee the distribution of food to Jewish widows in Jerusalem (Acts 6:1-3). So Christ chooses His agents for further work from those who, out of their own spontaneous love of Him, have done what lay at their hands. It was created by the Apostles, simply as the handiest way of getting over a difficulty. It was this Philip who was chosen with Stephen as one of the seven to serve during the daily distribution involving the Hellenist and the Hebrews (Acts 6:1). Pick out any seven that you like, of the class that considers itself aggrieved, and we will put the distribution of these eleemosynary grants into their hands. The only thing in sight was one chariot, and he said to himself, 'Ah, that is it,' and he drew near to the chariot, and heard the occupant reading aloud Isaiah's great prophecy. So with his sealed orders be went.

“And the saying pleased the whole multitude. Now let me say a word about the long years of obscurity. But whether he remembered that or not, he was here in Samaria, amongst the ancestral enemies of his nation. Like the moon in its second quarter, part of the disc is shining silver and the rest is invisible. I wonder why it was that when Barnabas at Antioch turned his face northwards to seek for young Saul at Tarsus, he never dreamed of turning southwards to call out Philip from Caesarea? The Ethiopian chamberlain was probably not very familiar with the Greek translation of the Old Testament, which he seems to have been using and, as poor readers often do, helped his comprehension by speaking the words he sees on the page.

Over the next few months, we will develop a theme title. So we can’t say for sure which accounts are referring to which Philip. The curtain will be twitched down, and when it is, it will be good for us if we have the same record to show that this man had -- namely, toil for the Master, indifferent to whether men see or do not see; patient labour for Him, coming out of a heart purged of all envy and jealousy of those who have been called to larger and more conspicuous service. He died of natural causes according to one tradition but, according to another, of … PHILIP, THE EVANGELIST.

Very early on, Christians confused Philip the Apostle with Philip the Evangelist from the Book of Acts. The Church was in a state of agitation, and there was murmuring going on because, as I have already said, a section of it thought that their poor were unfairly dealt with by the native-born Jews in the Church. Luke does not forget Philip's former office, but he dwells rather on what his other office was, twenty years afterwards.
So it would be to us, if we were Christians with the depth of faith and of personal experience which this man had.

He had no commission from the Apostles to do so. Let us put together the notices of him. The last we hear of Philip the Apostle is in the book of Acts, at Jesus' ascension and the Day of Pentecost. In Philip's long, confidential conversations he no doubt got some of the materials, which have been preserved for us in this book, for his account of the early days of the Church in Jerusalem. It is hard for me to go on in this lowly condition, and this eclipsed state into which I have been brought, without feeling how different it might have been if those early days had only continued.' They speak to us through the testimony of their lives as written in Scripture. There is patient perseverance at unrecompensed, unrecorded, and unnoticed work. Now these seven are never called 'deacons' in the New Testament, though it is supposed that they were the first holders of that office.
III. I wonder how it came to pass that this man, who at one time looked as if he was going to be the leader in the extension of the Church to the Gentiles, and who, as a matter of fact, was the first, not only in Samaria but on the desert road, to press beyond the narrow bounds of Judaism, was passed over in the further stages by Jesus, and why his brethren passed him over, and left him there all these years in Caesarea, whilst there was so much going on that was the continuation and development of the very movement that he had begun. One of "the seven" chosen to have the oversight of "the daily ministration" of the poor of the Christian community in Jerusalem .

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