Pros: GM corn and soybeans are genetically engineered to last longer and be in a better condition than regular crops, this can bring down the price of corn. Other studies link daily intakes of 65–153 mg of soy isoflavones to blood pressure reductions of 3–6 mm Hg in people with high blood pressure (22). Certain foods are genetically modified so as to manage, alleviate, and/or control the occurrence of adverse symptoms of certain diseases. During the study, it was observed that the hamsters fed with GM soybeans reduced their chances of breeding or reproducing. It appears that soy isoflavones may help reduce inflammation in blood vessels and improve their elasticity — two factors believed to protect the health of your heart (17). Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continue to spark passionate debate: Emotions run high regarding studies of the impacts of GMOs on health and the environment, and much attention has been focused on one product widely made from GMO sources: soybean oil. Fermented soy foods may offer additional benefits. Finally, one recent review of 23 studies linked diets rich in soy foods to a 12% lower risk of dying from cancer, particularly cancers of the stomach, large intestine, and lungs (19). Genetically modified foods have unpredictable side effects on health. Higher yields are a real possibility. PROS Some research suggests that women eating soy-rich diets may benefit from improved fertility. The Pros of Genetically Modified Soybeans. We’ll explore the link between soy and estrogen to uncover whether it could potentially help to relieve hot…. Genetic modifications may make it possible for farmers to grow multiple crops of soybeans on the same land during the year. Toxicologists also talk about toxemia which can result from excessive consumption of GM soybeans. Cooking, sprouting, and soaking are additional preparation techniques that can help reduce the antinutrient content of soy foods and enhance their digestibility (60, 61, 62, 63). Soy-rich diets have been linked to a few potential health benefits. For instance, men who reported experiencing feminizing effects from soy consumed amounts up to 9 times larger than the average intake of men with soy-rich diets. However, it’s unclear whether these small blood-pressure-lowering benefits apply to people with normal and elevated blood pressure levels. The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods (GM Foods) ... HT soybean has decreased the number of tillage operations between 25% and 58% in the United States and Argentina . Thank you for signing up to Live Science. Therefore, more research is needed before drawing solid conclusions (36). There was a problem. Additionally, Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said there is no safety hazard in using genetically modified soybean oil over conventional soybean oil — a finding the organization highlighted recently in its Nutrition Action newsletter. Why do we need so much farmland for soy and corn, two crops largely dedicated to processed foods? Pros Genetically modified soybeans are manipulated to survive harsh conditions like pesticides, foul weather and diseases. Soy-rich diets may also help lower the risk of other types of cancer. A study has been conducted for Gene Security where hamsters were given genetically modified soybeans and studied for two years. A few of them are listed below: Pros of genetically modified foods. With more soybean products available and with higher yield of soybeans, more people will be able to take advantage of the existence of soybeans. The introduction of HT soybean has also been cited as an essential factor in the rapid increase of no-tillage practices in Argentina. Why Tempeh Is Incredibly Healthy and Nutritious, Soybeans 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. Ecological Damage 3. This article explores the top 8 health benefits of edamame. This causes problems by widely spreading the GM corn and soybean DNA before we know its effects on the environment and human health. Soybeans are a type of edible legume that is popular in Asia and the US. 10 New Ways to Eat Well]. (Op-Ed), Diet Simple Farm to Table Recipes: 50 New Reasons to Cook In Season, These could be the funniest animal pictures ever, Drone warns surfer of very close encounter with 5-foot shark in Australia, 1,200-year-old pagan temple to Thor and Odin unearthed in Norway, Female moles grow testicles to fight through their brutal underground existence. Soybeans are also rich in isoflavones, another compound believed to offer blood-pressure-lowering benefits. Here’s a comparison of the nutrient content of several popular options, per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) portion (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): Note: A hyphen in the table indicates that data for this nutrient is unavailable in the FoodData Central database.

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