Doctor Who airs Sundays at 8/7c on BBC America. Good on Yaz, Graham, and Ryan for having the Doctors back even when she was pushing them all away. Hi, I’m Paul Bowler, blogger and reviewer of films, TV shows, and comic books. Just take that all in and know that the sexist racists who think the Doctor can only be a white man, are rolling in their mothers basements as they scream on the internet. The story arc this season so far seems to be very much living in the realms of Russell T. Davies’s vision of Doctor Who, and I’m fine with that. Easily the best episode for Jodie Whittaker and Co so far. Then All Ears Allan gets obliterated. Jack, particularly after where we left off with Torchwood: Miracle Day, it’s more effective now with the ambiguity of Torchwood and UNIT that’s been on our minds. She has family. ( Judoon growls) Look at you and your platoon of Judoon near the... that lagoon. The addition of “and Chris Chibnall” to the writing credits sent shivers down the spine, but I needn’t have worried because this was a stunningly good team effort. The enemy wasn’t enough of a threat to justify the Doctor running away to hide. And in her big and beautiful brain she thinks she’s got to go at this all alone. Prior to the TARDIS intercepting the Judoon’s warning signal, the Doctor’s “fam” notice how preoccupied she’s become, and when they confront her the Time Lord confesses that she’s been trying to locate the Master. So yeah, I know what’s going to happen – Lee will die at the end and Allan will be with Ruth. That was awesome… ish. With the Judoon menace eventually sent packing, the Doctor is reunited with her companions and I really liked how everyone compared notes back on board the TARDIS. The Doctor was just trying to protect herself by pushing those she loves away. As for the Judoon? The guest cast features Jo Martin as Ruth Clayton, a Gloucester tour guide, and Neil Stuke as Lee, Ruth’s husband, an interesting everyday couple living seemingly ordinary lives in the cathedral city of Gloucester. She made me realise how much I have missed watching a Doctor who actually goes about things with some kind of a degree of authority about her. But I’m not mad about spoilers and am now even more excited for the episode. Glad Jack is back too! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Graham says the Doctor is not a he, but a she. To a large extent each different recurring enemy has its own modus operandi: the Daleks are genocidal killers; the Cybermen want to make us like them; the Weeping Angels send their victims into the past; the Silurians are our lost brothers; the Master is a dark mirror of the Doctor, etc, etc. The script must require police in space for some reason. So is it becoming a whole new trends for revealing previously unknown or hidden Doctors? I wonder if the lone cyberman is Bill potts, Thanks for your comment! Seeing a design based on the original really puts into perspective what a gaudy mess the console room has become nowadays, and how timeless the original design is. Peter Brachacki was a genius. Troughton was the first to use the sonic! Lee’s text ‘Follow the light. While that might have bothered me under different circumstances, I was OK with it here because of how much was happening in such a short time. I don’t get a full view of that regeneration. But hey, we’ve got real mystery and something to make us want to watch and find out what happens next. ( Log Out /  You’re right to say Chibnall has ret-conned his way into a Moffat like narrative corner. Also miss those very thorough kisses. Was really glad to see Captain Jack back in Fugitive of the Judoon as well, he’s such a fun character to have around. Hi Jade! I don’t want this storyline to end. And although Judoon in Gloucester might not have quite the impact of Daleks in London, one highlight of Chibnall’s version of Doctor Who is that he has moved Doctor Who away from being such a London-centric show (or Cardiff-pretending-to-be-London centric). Way more creepy than a marching army of them. Quite how Jo Martin’s incarnation of the Doctor fits into the series’ extensive web of continuity remains to be seen. Weirder things have happened on Doctor Who and I’ve got no doubt (or hope that it happens) that Ruth Doctor will be back in some capacity. Written by Vinay Patel (Demons of the Punjab, 2018), her second story for Doctor Who makes excellent use of the Judoon‘s return to the series, its filled with fun moments, whilst also brining some new aspects to the creatures and their motives. Especially Barrowman’s return! ML. This episode had my head spinning and for the first time this season, I felt hopeful that we might grab victory out of the jaws of oblivion. Which, I loved that Graham wasn’t disgusted by it. ( Judoon snarls) It sounded tougher in me head. Agreed, lets hope they can build on the success of the last few episodes and continue the strong run of stories for the rest of the season. Nagato Yuki, Mike Basil Why does Dr. Ruth not know about the Sonic Screwdriver? And look yet again: the writers wanted to capture some of the feel of Tennant with the “Judoon platoon near the moon” comment. Daz Tonge, Read local history articles at: I really like Jack as well. Especially with the Cybermen on the horizon…. Then there’s the warning of “Beware the Lone Cyberman!” It’s about time that the writing, and of course Chibnall’s writing, is now really spicing up Dr. Who after the longest time. Jack is one of those characters that just instantly bring a smile to the face (of Boe? I loved too that Ryan described Jack as “a little cheesy”, because how accurate is that? Fugitive is highly dangerous. Oh, look, Lee Clayton isn’t a great husband. Ruth wasn’t the victim. Seeing John Barrowman return as Captain Jack was a great surprise and made for some of the episodes standout moments, especially when Jack thinks that Graham is the Doctor! Not that weapon, not here. I’m not caught up with the show and the buzz is impossible to avoid. And honestly, I’m living for it. When he thinks Graham is the Doctor, the dialogue is marvelous, but it’s even better when he accepts that the Doctor has regenerated again. It’s all the more curious after Lenny Henry’s guest stint on Spyfall since he once played Dr. Who for one of his own comedy sketches. What exactly did happen to Gallifrey, since Gat did not know about it but she clearly was Gallifreyan? Fugitive of the Judoon has given Series 12 of Doctor Who a thrilling boost with its game changing shocks, surprises and Judoon near the Moon.

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