He is portrayed in the films by British actor Andrew Tiernan. Unlike Philip, who used the ability for experimentation, Ephialtes devoted it to revenge. [1] He betrayed his homeland by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae , which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. Philip placed much trust in Ephialtes, only for him to aid his older brother, Malus Ignus, in his takeover of the Hellenic Senate.
He betrays the Spartans to the Persians out of greed for riches (and, it is … Herodotus notes that this trail was well-known to the locals, who had used it in the p… He then fled to Thessaly; the Amphictyons at Pylae had offered a reward for his death. [5], Herodotus notes that two other men were accused of betraying this trail to the Persians: Onetas, a native of Carystus and son of Phanagoras; and Corydallus, a native of Anticyra. Dans la suite du film 300, nous retrouvons Éphialtès dans 300: Rise of an Empire qui est toujours joué par Andrew Tiernan. ), griechischer Staatsmann Ephialtes von Trachis, verriet die griechischen Truppen in der Schlacht bei den Thermopylen an die Perser Ephialtes ist in der griechischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia, Ephialtes (disambiguation) — Ephialtes may refer to:*Ephialtes, Athenian statesman *Ephialtes of Trachis, soldier who betrayed the Spartan army at Thermopylae to the Persians *Aloadae, also known as Ephialtes, one of the two giants in Greek mythology called Aloadae …   Wikipedia, Ephiáltes — Ephiáltes, Grieche aus Malis oder Trachis, zeigte 480 v. Chr. In the movie, Ephialtes of Trachis is portrayed as a hunchback mutant creature, but in real life he was just a shepherd who thought he could benefit by selling out his people.As it turned out, once the Persians won, Ephialtes received no reward at all and fled to another town, where he was killed a few years later for an unrelated incident. Selon Hérodote, il fut tué pour une raison apparemment sans rapport par Athénade de Trachis, vers 470 av. Ephialtes was furious when Philip intervened in Zaofu. Les amphictyons offrirent une récompense pour sa mort. [3], Herodotus notes that two other men were accused of betraying this trail to the Persians: Onetas, a native of Carystus and son of Phanagoras; and Corydallus, a native of Anticyra. According to Herodotus, he was killed for an apparently unrelated reason by Athenades (Greek: Αθηνάδης) of Trachis, around 470 BC, but the Spartans rewarded Athenades all the same. See also Consultez la liste des tâches à accomplir en page de discussion. [5] The news reached the Greeks at Thermopylae either late that day or before the dawn of the next day, who held a council to decide their next step. Éphialtès est présenté comme un Spartiate gravement déformé et en exil qui trahit l'armée de Léonidas. [5], Herodotus notes that two other men were accused of betraying this trail to the Persians: Onetas, a native of Carystus and son of Phanagoras; and Corydallus, a native of Anticyra. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Spartan King Leonidas sent away most of the Greeks, but he himself remained behind with a rear guard composed of his men, the Thespian contingent and an unreliable Theban detachment. Er verriet die griechischen Truppen an die Perser[1], indem er ihnen in der …   Deutsch Wikipedia, Ephialtes — (Griechisch: Ἐφιάλτης) ist der Name von Ephialtes von Athen († 461 v. The allied Greek land forces, which Herodotus states numbered no more than 4,200 men, had chosen Thermopylae to block the advance of the vastly numerically superior Persian army. He is incredibly loyal to his family and will attempt to destroy anyone who harms them. Ephialtes was very close and loyal to his brother, having aided him in any way he could. In the Battle of Katara River, Philip and Ephialtes duelled. He was a former student of Philip Hellene and younger brother of the late Malus Ignus.

After the betrayal of Ephialtes, the name "Ephialtes" received a lasting stigma; it came to mean "nightmare" in the Greek language and to symbolize the archetypal traitor in Greek culture.[7]. But apart from the Hollywood-added love interest, the portrayal reflects the historical record. He betrays the Spartans to the Persians out of greed for riches, and, it is implied, unrequited love for a Spartan girl named Ellas. In 175 AG, he invaded Zaofu, prompting a war with the United Republic, now under Philip Hellene.

He then fled to Thessaly; the Amphictyons at Pylae had offered a reward for his death. Ephialtes of Trachis is the infamous traitor in the Battle of Thermopylae. His hair is short, curly and brown.

Since he is unable to fight in formation, he is consigned to noncombatant duties that do not satisfy his desire for a sense of belonging, and so he defects to the Persians. He is portrayed in the films by British actor Andrew Tiernan. He was distraught upon discovering his death and swore vengeance against those responsible. J.-C.), licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Herodotus notes that this trail was well-known to the locals, who had used it in the past for raiding the neighboring Phocians.[4]. Éphialtès attendait être récompensé par Xerxès, mais il n'obtint rien et dut se réfugier en Thessalie. Ephialtes is a native firebender. Hoping to redeem his father's honor, he volunteers to Leonidas to join the army.

Ephialtes derives from the Greek, Ἐφιάλτης, meaning nightmare. Ephialtes (Greek: Ἐφιάλτης, Ephialtēs; although Herodotus spelled it as Ἐπιάλτης, Epialtes) was the son of Eurydemus (Greek: Ευρυδήμος) of Malis. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Herodotus notes that this trail was well-known to the locals, who had used it in the past for raiding the neighbouring Phocians. The allied Greek land forces, which Herodotus states numbered no more than 4,200 men, had chosen Thermopylae to block the advance of the vastly numerically superior Persian army.

Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea! In anger, Ephialtes swears to prove his parents and him wrong and betrays them to Xerxes by revealing the hidden path in return. ✪ 300 Xerxes Meets Ephialtes Scene HD Quality 1080p I Want It All. Ephialtes gained the upper hand and prepared to kill Philip, only to be defeated and imprisoned by Nikkolas. He betrays the Spartans to the Persians out of greed for riches (and, it is implied, unrequited lust for a Spartan girl named Ellas). Their frontal attacks would never succeed, he pointed out; but he knew of another way to capture the pass. Philip and Ephialtes do not get along well, as evidenced by the numerous times they tried to kill each other. [7]. [1] He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. The allied Greek land forces, which Herodotus states numbered no more than 4,200 men, had chosen Thermopylae to block the advance of the much larger Persian army.

Frank Miller's 1998 comic book miniseries 300, the 2006 film adaptation of the same name, and the 2014 sequel, portray Ephialtes (played by Andrew Tiernan) as a severely deformed Spartan exile whose parents fled Sparta to protect him from the infanticide he would have surely suffered as a disfigured infant.
J.-C. Pourtant les Spartiates récompensèrent quand même Athénade.

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