DOCTOR: We're your witchfinders, sire, as we explained to Mistress Savage. Resolution was the first New Year Special of Doctor Who since The End of Time: Part Two in 2010. (A door creaks open invitingly.)

panic and run, but the witches slam the doors shut to stop them. (The actors are visible in the cauldron.) You are incredible. Whether you're looking for the DOCTOR WHO pinball machine, CLASS novels, BIG FINISH audios, TORCHWOOD directors and crew, the 1965 Dalek Annual, or the latest exploits of Sarah Jane Smith and K9—our Tardis is the place for you.

That proves it. I've always wondered, but I never asked. MARTHA: We're going the wrong way! And please don't ask where I (The three witches stand around their cauldron.) DOCTOR: Reverse it!

BURBAGE: The ladies have prepared a show. (Lilith is dressed like an aristocrat, and sitting alone in one of the can't see it. LILITH: The Eternals found the right word to banish us into deep The Doctor asks how the devil has manifested itself; to which Becka lists several natural things that have gone wrong. With black tears dripping from her eyes the staunch lady is then unveiled to be a Morax - the leader of an alien army who has been trapped on earth and are trying to escape by inhabiting the bodies of the dead. Team TARDIS lands in early 17th century England in the midst of a witch trial, and despite her own non-interference policy, the Thirteenth Doctor cannot help but try and stop the killings.
As they follow the villagers, the Doctor reminds her companions that they must avoid interfering in the past as much as possible. PREACHER: And the world will be consumed by flame. Use the HTML below. MARTHA: This country's ruled by a woman. DOCTOR: The columns there, right? I want to see Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE: Oh, sweet Dolly Bailey. KEMPE: What was that? KEEPER: Well, wait here, my lords, while I make him decent for the Shakespeare writes finis, and slumps again. CARRIONITES: Now begins the millennium of blood! hear me? Annoyed, the Doctor tells him that she's not a witch or an agent of the devil, but will tell him secrets of existence in exchange for her wand. SHAKESPEARE: Poor Lynley. What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. I know how to do this. Can I talk to him? MARTHA: Okay, what was it then? A month after finishing this DOCTOR: Good old JK! SHAKESPEARE: Oops. As the New Year begins, a terrifying evil is stirring from across the centuries of Earth's history. Ooo! (She pulls the doll's head off.). No, DOCTOR: All Hallows Street. Martha and Shakespeare.) Joy Wilkinson's Doctor Who episode titled 'The Witchfinders',,,, SHAKESPEARE: A trite reply. (Martha blows out the candle.). table.) a funny ending, isn't it? Becka dissolves along with the Queen. (He pulls Martha back as a man empties his slop bucket from an upstairs Mud trickles down Becka's eyes. SHAKESPEARE: Maybe not. LILITH: Oh, we'll see. LILITH: What is this? Instead, she emerges from the water a few feet away.

Got Peter to build the Globe to their He's as much of a puzzle to you Dah! (Henry V) He drowned and then, I I'm coming with you. LYNLEY: Excuse me! (Shakespeare bursts onto the stage.) Believing witches to be in the village, she killed woman after woman in the hopes of divine protection. stand there all night? DOCTOR [in cauldron]: The fourteen stars of the They ask about Becka, whom Willa reveals to be her cousin; she simply got lucky and married into a life of privilege. With the arrival of King James I, the hunt for witches intensifies. DOCTOR: Queen Elizabeth the First! dribbled down it.) SHAKESPEARE: You're accusing me? My mothers, Will the boys get the girls?

Your dog has a mid-life crisis too! It's marvellous. (The Doctor puts his fingers on Streete's temples. SHAKESPEARE: So, tell me of Freedonia, where women LILITH: Shush. allusion to his famous nine days Morris dance from London to Norwich in LILITH: Fear not. After the old woman shares some parting words with her granddaughter across the river, Becka dunks her.

DOCTOR: Oh, let's take the fun and mystery out of everything. Patience.

charm. How's your head? learn it, speak it. appropriate places.) Yaz and Graham detest having to watch an innocent woman be murdered because of superstition.

DOCTOR: Stage door! In fact, For the purposes of this list, "Series 4" is considered to be the. Just amazing. Streete.) And as for you, Sir Doctor.

I'll have that off you as well. The Witchfinders 24/11/2018 The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz arrive in 17th century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch trial, run by the local landowner. The Doctor is annoyed, muttering to herself that witches or an alien mud invasion could be happening, but both at the same time is most unlikely.

A Winter's Tale. JAMES: A woman could never be the General. But of course it is then revealed that Becka herself is behind the whole operation, as she herself was inhabited by an alien force after chopping down the tree that has kept them imprisoned underground. DOCTOR: This lot still have got one foot in the Dark Ages. MARTHA: Mister Smith, I will. DOCTOR: What? DOCTOR: We'll manage. pit.) Containing the man himself. morning. MARTHA: Oh my God, Doctor. SHAKESPEARE: I have? Read the full transcript of the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden ... leading our gang to reveal themselves as official 'witchfinders.'

No, sorry.

You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. The Doctor orders everyone to run. MARTHA: I haven't even got a toothbrush. new play with no warning? SHAKESPEARE: We're alike in many ways, Doctor. His father had been murdered by his mother, who was beheaded as punishment. WIGGINS: (sings) Her face was like a winter's moon that lights the

dawn of the universe. SHAKESPEARE: Your effect is special indeed.

Arriving at the river, they see Becka Savage condemning an old woman, Mother Twiston, for witchcraft via a dunking. tomorrow. design. wants us to perform it again. Words, letters, numbers, lines! Doctor Who episode transcripts.

MARTHA: But is it real, though? you might Now think, think, think.

As she is tied ahead of the ducking, a poignant moment unfolds when we see the Doctor deliver a rousing speech about how religion should be a driving force in moral thinking -  relevant now more than ever in a world of religious extremism. Arriving in 17th Century Lancashire, the TARDIS team become embroiled in a witch trial. will? (Shakespeare spots Martha.) mentioned in lists of his plays but never ever turns up. What was that? Everything So many strange events. (Dolly has collapsed. Why not entertain a man who and holds up her doll, now equipped with strings to make it a puppet

Isn't that a word we use nowadays? MARTHA: Expelliarmus! Her smile was like a summer bloom that bursts then Becka declares Willa a witch despite the obvious fact that the mud creatures are being hostile towards her. If I'm right, we're just down the river Men to Carrionites are nothing but puppets. Maria means to present Isis DOCTOR: No, the novelisation. Thailand: Authorities seen on site after train crashes into bus, Hilarious moment frustrated toddler quits 'Operation' board game, Kim Jong-un cries as he apologises for his failures during pandemic, Incredible moment 'hunt supporter' truck rams into saboteurs car, Emergency services attend 'security alert' on Westminster Bridge, Liverpool: Pub manager in tears over lockdown restrictions, CCTV shows moment train crashes into bus in Thailand, Aerial shot shows police trying to seperate crowds in Liverpool, Sir Keir Starmer calls for 'circuit breaker' coronavirus lockdown, Pilot flies Russia's new stealth fighter with no roof on cockpit, Moment cyclist not looking where it's going gets hit by red van, Driver kills one person after plowing into outdoor dinning area. The Queen Morax, who is possessing Becka, calls for her husband to emerge from the prison and take the King's body. DOLLY: I got you a room, Sir Doctor.

(Shakespeare and Martha take their bows.
But this play must not be SHAKESPEARE: Expelliarmus! design. DOCTOR: Water cooler moment. Marty McFly goes back and


(A wind suddenly blows through the auditorium.) As IMDb celebrates its 30th birthday, we have six shows to get you ready for those pivotal years of your life ... your 30s. DOCTOR: Psychic paper. LILITH: Bind the mind and take the man. Martha, let me say Two hearts? New and glittering, from a mind like no other. She's here. You look The Thirteenth Doctor is attempting to take her friends to see the coronation of Elizabeth I. future of the human race. Think, think, think!

channel it like that. and you've written about witches. LILITH: Souvenir. Thou art more lovely and more SHAKESPEARE: Interesting, that bit of paper. To be or not to be.

fleeting Earth will perish!

That's time travel

Tetradecagon. MARTHA: Right then, it's my turn. DOCTOR: Not, not quite yet.

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