Shortly after receiving this news, Azula and the rest of her family went before Fire Lord Azulon, and she put on a spectacular display of her firebending prowess. For a fleeting moment, Azula opened up and revealed pain and resentment about the relationship with her mother, despite her distant personality. She argued with the reflection, accusing Ursa of desiring to ruin her from the day she was born and heading a conspiracy to strip her of her power, of which she also claimed her mother had been jealous.

However, she triumphantly stated that thanks to Ursa's letter, she now had all the proof she needed to take the throne from Zuko. Azula was one of the most skilled and powerful firebenders of her time,[1][11] recognized as a prodigy by both Ozai[13] and Zuko. [9] Raised by her father in an environment without a mother-figure, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes just to earn any affection from him. Ursa complimented her, saying that she always had such beautiful hair, though Azula dismissed the compliment and asked her mother why she was there. Though Zuko and his allies were able to rescue the children, Azula and her followers escaped. Confronted daily with this mother/son bonding, Azula often attempted to gain Ursa's attention in some way. Answering his request for help, Azula said that she needed nothing in return for her assistance, as the mere knowledge of being of service to the Fire Lord would be enough satisfaction.

Azula showed up at her coronation impatient and with her hair still a mess, though the event was interrupted when Katara and Zuko arrived to challenge her.

[1] She also was instantly goaded by Zuko into using lightning despite knowing he could redirect it and only changed her mind in the last moment to avoid what would certainly have been defeat by targeting Katara, leaving Zuko incapacitated, at which point Azula showed an increasing level of mockery toward the duo. Nevertheless, when Zuko showed doubts about his actions in helping take Ba Sing Se but betraying Iroh, she truly did feel that he had accomplished his ultimate achievement, while at the same time feeling pity for the fact that he could not understand the significance of what his actions entailed. After her Agni Kai with Zuko and subsequent mental breakdown, Azula's insanity earned her Zuko's pity and rather than being sent to prison, like their father Ozai was, she was committed to an asylum on a nearby island, where she was continuously monitored. Azula realized right away that Aang wanted to trick her, telling Mai and Ty Lee to follow Appa's real trail while she fought the Avatar. The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse, Avatar: The Last Airbender—The Art of the Animated Series, EXCLUSIVE: Yang Continues 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' in, Comic Book Day: Join 'The Search' with Gene Luen Yang, An Avatar Spring Break with Mike and Bryan (part 2 of 3), 'Legend of Korra' Artist & Editor Delve Into Importance of 'Korrasami,' Future, Past and 'Ruins of the Empire',

The lack of hesitation or remorse while severely injuring her own uncle is downright terrifying, and a great sign that family bonds don't mean anything to her. Azula grew up with all the riches, splendor, and privileges of royalty in the Fire Nation. Azula then escaped and was last seen donning her disguise as the Kemurikage again. Although she was a usurper and never officially crowned, Azula remains as one of two known Earth Queens in history and the only known ruler of the Earth Kingdom without such heritage. Recalling how Mai talked about Kemurikage in her sleep during a sleepover from when they were children, it inspired Azula to masquerade in the image of the mythical spirits to enact her plans.

Hannah has always had a passion for writing, having done creative writing since 2012, and is thrilled to be a content writer for CBR.

Azula saved Team Avatar from a moth wasp attack. The dangerous and powerful villain was cool, cunning, and complex in ways that aren't usually approached in western animation. Ozai revealed that he nearly discarded Zuko at birth, believing the prince to be a nonbender, causing Azula to smile triumphantly at her shocked brother.[15]. [17] The most notable feature of Azula's bending was her ability to create blue flames, which are much more intense than the red, orange, and yellow flames normally used by firebenders, though she was only known to bend normal colored fire during her childhood. Upon arrival, Azula attempted to make a path by burning parts of the valley, drawing criticism from the rest of the group once more. When he began to overpower her, Azula, responding to his challenge to use lightning, trained her attack on Katara. The brief Agni Kai ended with Azula pinning Zuko to the ground and raising a fire-dagger over his face, claiming this was how it had always been between them. [8] Azula engaged in a pitched battle with Zuko and Sokka on the gondola, where despite Zuko's vast improvement in firebending and Sokka's adept swordsmanship skills, she still managed to fight them both on reasonably even footing, countering all of Zuko's fire blasts and returning with her own and forcing her brother to dodge a charged blast from her.

On top of being thieves, they also were later revealed to have accepted a large amount of coin to assassinate Zuko himself, which leads viewers to wonder just how many times they'd done something similar. Ursa's gentle, motherly concerns over Azula's use of fear and cruelty as her only means of maintaining relationships with friends and family alike induced a violent mental breakdown prior to her coronation; after smashing a mirror, Azula collapsed and sobbed deeply before regaining any semblance of control.[1].

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