Richard Wagner demonstrated his concept of gesamtkunstwerk in the Ring Cycle by __________. Which of the following questions might a costume designer ask as she approaches a play? What type of plot structure does this most likely represent? When reading a play text, stage directions are either the playwright's descriptions or __________. When blocking on a thrust or arena stage, __________ can create a challenge for a director. Reading plays has become a common practice due, in part, to __________. a cheaper place to try out potential Broadway shows. Which of the five characteristics of performance is missing in the following description? Which of the following scenarios describes the "willing suspension of disbelief"? Which of the following is a job for a dramaturg? he is a British director and the British colonized India, David Merrick's cutthroat approach to theatre business comes through in his famous quote: "It is not enough that I should succeed - __________.". As described by Aristotle, music refers to both songs or melodies sung or created by a musical instrument and the __________. A(n) __________ is a wooden or metal frame onto which canvas is attached and then painted to become part of the larger structure of a scenic design. ~ ARENA, where the audience totally surrounds the stage. broke up a monopoly on Broadway production. Times Square has lost its previous character and become family-friendly. How have social norms and infrastructures played a role in stage representations of African Americans since the Civil War? breadth and power of a liberal arts education. potential to transform lives and build community. In 1915, the Shubert Brothers __________. Sleep No More is a contemporary popular theatre work in which audience members travel from room to room in an old hotel to view moments adapted from Shakespeare's Macbeth. Which of the following scenarios describes a director's concept? In Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog, makeup serves as a way to both upend tradition and provoke conversation when _________. The regular use of microphones on stage is the subject of controversy. win Tony Awards in two categories for a single show. Which scenario might require a director to use a dramaturg? maintaining lighting equipment during the run of the show. Why did playwrights from the Middle Ages frequently write anonymously? mediating sound is anathema to the liveness that makes theatre unique. Which of the following questions must a scenic designer ask while reading a play s/he is designing? What lesson might we learn from the Federal Theatre Project and the NEA4? These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Which situation best fits the attributes of an arena-style theatre? In addition to assisting in the selection of plays and working with playwrights on the creation of new plays, a dramaturg _________. producing more plays than all Broadway theatres combined. Complications, discoveries, and reversals are all part of the intensification of dramatic action, or __________, in a play with climactic plot structure. other evidence of performance was scarce or nonexistent. 5 5 Our focus is on American artists. The stage manager would communicate with the costume stage crew about cleaning the costume. Audience response impacts the performers, which shapes the performance event. reuse the same costume in multiple productions with only minor enhancements. At a surprising plot twist, you gasp, then applaud enthusiastically. Nevin Steinberg's sound design for Hamilton is groundbreaking because it required technology that could __________. Those against the amplification of actors argue that __________. representational. A member of the lighting crew dropped an instrument. are conscious of their impact on the performance. One night during a performance, an actor spills a cherry soda on his costume. You are witnessing a performance in your town. Which of the following describes environmental theatre? Which of the following topics might be best explored by a theatre theorist? What role do new play festivals serve in the development process? How many costumes and costume changes are required? turn the scenic designer's ideas into a reality. simplified, nonrealistic settings and lighting. Arena Stage re-opened for the season in October 2010; the capacity of its three theatres follows: The Fichandler Stage, a theater in the round, seating 680. A critique in a scholarly journal will most likely incorporate __________. What event led to the professionalization of theatre? One of the technical director's primary roles in the production process is to __________. Auteur Robert Wilson trained as a visual artist, so he uses all of the components of production—including the actors—to create __________. Copyright protects the playwright's rights and ensures they receive payment for their work. Companies like the Living Theatre and the Open Theatre were famous for their __________. Performance Studies is a field that __________. The __________ serves as a bridge between the audience and the text. Susan Stroman, a prominent director, made history as the first woman to __________. In an ancient Greek play, an ekkyklema would __________. Why? In performance, how do the plan and the action work together? The Master Electrician is responsible for __________. Moisés Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Project created __________. pitying the protagonist because of his tragic mistake. Which of the following had staging practices that were most like those in Sleep No More? A director usually approaches a play heretically in order to __________. Read more…. Why might the director make this choice? If a nobleman attended a play during the English Renaissance, he probably sat in __________. designing the entire theatre to recreate the industrial grunge of the East Village. He's also ditching the room auditions and reverting … U2's 360° Tour uses a very large circular stage structure. This all falls into the category of __________ information. In August Wilson's Fences, the character Troy is a middle-aged African American man who works as a garbage man, lives in a small house in Pittsburgh, and was a baseball player in the Negro League. Lends itself to varied kinds of plays. Which production is most likely to work well in a black box space? the stage manager's record of the original production. A good example of a theatre company that operates in a hybrid way would be __________. reducing the need for additional instruments. As scientists in cognitive psychology have documented, the importance of play is vital in __________. When the electric lightbulb was invented, the new range of possibilities for lighting designers contributed to the development of __________. A character's overall desire or goal in a play is called a(n) __________. reveal new layers of meaning for his audience. Given what you have learned about the roles of designers and technicians in the theatre, what would you expect to happen next? __________ is a term that describes a series of interconnected flats that give the appearance of three walls in a room. Different art forms exploit organizational rules to focus audience attention on a different aspect of human existence. Arena stage definition is - a theater stage surrounded or nearly surrounded by the audience; specifically : the stage of an arena theater. an Off-Broadway theatre that nurtures some shows for Broadway debuts while producing free outdoor productions for working-class families. On different tours, they have also included areas within the stage, … During technical rehearsals, the director's focus shifts to ensuring that __________. George Pierce Baker is one of the founding fathers of __________. Heads up! Susan Lori-Parks's famous use of periods, spaces, blank lines, and repetitions of the word "pause" reflect her shaping of the text's __________. Arena Stage (Theatre-in-the-Round) (for other examples and discussion, see Wilson, 337-339) Pros of the Arena Stage: Very intimate-closer to the action than with a proscenium stage; can see other audience members across the stage. Abraham Lincoln is played by a black actor in whiteface. The outcome of the NEA4's lawsuit against the National Endowment for the Arts allowed __________. In a piece that humanizes immigrants, the director wants the audience to deeply connect to the characters, feel immersed in the action, and have a communal experience. What role does copyright play for the professional playwright? A football fan is similar to a theatre audience member because both __________. The pattern of light and shadow creates the impression of tree branches overhead. The New Stagecraft, which became the dominant design mode in the United States by the 1920s, incorporated __________. Hrosvitha of Gandersheim, Aphra Behn, and Susana Centlivre were all __________. Theatre, film, and television differ from other art forms because they are __________. adapting a Medieval play for contemporary audiences. the production concept is clear and everyone is "on message". The Kreeger Theater, a modified thrust stage theater, seating 514. We produce and present all that is passionate, exuberant, profound, deep and dangerous in the American spirit. An audience laughs so much that the show is 20 minutes longer one night. An important place of entertainment is Olympia, near Hammersmith Road and the Addison Road station on the West London railway, which includes a vast arena under a glass roof; while at Shepherd's Bush are the extensive grounds and buildings first occupied by the Franco-British Exhibition of 1908, including a huge stadium for athletic displays. Gurney's The Dining Room is made up of multiple scenes with different characters, but all taking place in the same dining room. A woman chooses a special dress for a date. Which of the following might constitute a performance in everyday life? When Hallie Flanagan testified before HUAC about the motives of the Federal Theatre Project, the question she received about Marlowe was ironic because __________. is staged throughout a hotel and requires the audience to move throughout the space. During one of the technical rehearsals, the director changes an actor's blocking so that he moves from downstage center to downstage right for an important monologue. Good critics balance four major types of information, including judgment, description, analysis, and __________. Unlike tragedy, watching and appreciating comedy requires __________. Which area of design was officially designated as a unique area in need of a designer most recently? The rise of the "democratic" auditorium emerged in response to __________. show the audience Medea's murdered children. sport arena Example: 02 Arena – North Greenwich, London – 2003/07′ – Populous architects The stage is usually set up as an End Stage, or occasionally in the center as an “Arena” Stage. On an arena stage, scenery tends to be __________. uses performance as a lens to understand everyday activities. Which of the following is true about thought, as defined by Aristotle?

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