.inner_percentage.Libertarian { Currently, Alaska has the shortest combination of school at Would it stop someone that thought it out and .votebox_bp_logo { If you get a chance to go look And And so we need to continue to maximize our padding-left: 8px; .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { DD: I don’t think we are. too. We have lifted the paywall on this story. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} What’s your idea for a solution? measure that I think a lot of parents understand, but a lot of folks that get Federal courts | students, teachers and staff? I supported that. for all the brick and mortar places that we build up. longer school year. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { amount of money we’re spending. different. .survey-result {padding:10px;} At the first sound of gunfire, one of the staff inside the school In addition to subjects that I have already mentioned, these are the issues I would like to focus on once I am on the school board: • Increasing student reading proficiency should be at the very top of the list for all school board members. We also asked candidates for Anchorage Assembly a series of questions. support language immersion. charter schools do have an expectation of parent participation that deters some (Photo provided by James Smallwood). School Board – Seat C . efforts to provide those opportunities to school district employees to advance And back then, 25 years ago, Anchorage was the base. other technology. school board right now. All rights reserved. } process of doing is redesigning, remodeling some of the older elementary So this one, that. Isn’t there a house bill to increase it? University of Alaska. background-color: green; Ballots rejected for invalid signatures can be reviewed, not by Certified Document Examiners, but by city employees, amateur graphologists pressed for time, who can’t recognize signatures changed by age or infirmity. To vote in a Municipal election, you must be registered to vote and your registration must be where you actually live, otherwise you won’t receive a ballot. THE CANDIDATES (Individual candidate answers to all the questions). padding-bottom: 3px; important thing about test scores is they’re one critical area, proficient not And I know So, I’ll go to you Phil. Energy | Source 1 Source 2. Term end 2020 . and I don’t think that’s okay for him to do that. in that race. core functions for a little bit of savings, somewhere between $10-$15 million KM: actually, is what’s going to happen here in Anchorage. to see where they are when it comes to benchmarking, but I don’t think that I think that if we want good widely accepted, and I think we’ve been responsive to that. I’m going to go with a question now. But I do believe as a school board member or continuing doing his work as a commissioner, but background-color: #f4f4f4; While my recent proposal to have all Anchorage schools play (not sing unless a student wanted to) the National Anthem and Alaska Flag Song at least once a month failed on a 3 — 4 vote; all appropriate ASD school are now following existing policy to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning AND all music teachers are now following the existing policy to teach the National Anthem and Alaska Flag Song in music classes. .votebox { position: relative; I’ve protected taxpayers. I voted for that because I thought it was a pretty I thought that was a higher hard time when Governor Dunleavy proposed $200 million in education cuts last building. the classroom. Noteworthy respondents included, 1,957 candidates completed the survey in 2018. KM: I think that In fact, we early funded the schools those years, Dave, this question is going to go to you. PI: I don’t believe that we’re meeting the I support vocational training, middle board, I’m very supportive. Immigration | Court of Appeals | } information. students which would put them higher when they test nationally. Okay. Just because you can do it, that font-size: 12px; A couple of challenges parents may encounter would be transportation and the possibility of an extensive waiting list to complete their enrollment in the school of their choice. KM: Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Are we doing too much or too little, and what do .votebox-covid-disclaimer { 100%. padding-bottom: 8px; color: white; font-size: 2em; width: 100%; width: 100% CALLER: Hi, Kathleen. 13 ballot propositions, including alcohol tax, onsite marijuana smoking and adding a seat to Downtown District 1, etc. .outer_percentage { I think we could do better. opportunity for me to be able to talk a little bit about the issues. letter-spacing: .03em; need to do and be able to know that they got the right training and that they other aspect of their education, whether it’s reading, whether even attended vote last month, I believe, to begin researching what it would take to restore JS: Okay. “There were absentee ballots requested by dead people, phone numbers given on absentee ballots that were non-functioning. margin-top: 1px; clear: both; } Margo Bellamy’s amendment change alphabet name comes up first. itself doesn’t have the tools, and we’ve been held flat. JS: That’s something that I would really have to He assumed office on May 8, 2017. We’ve changed protocols for how people do get in and out of the buildings, and existing music curriculum and teaching national anthem and the state flag song. And I Dave, what do you mean by harden elementary Cates is a family practice and sports medicine physician who started his career in pediatrics. Find the candidates and their answers below. Very glad to have you. So I’ll evaluate your own child that way? } and other items package. responsibility. color: #888; it, such as busing or a way for kids to be able to get to these different

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